Letter #4

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FROM: Yuri

TO: Tom


Hey Tom, i just wanted to let you know... that you're a complete jackass.

Vik hackedn into your mail, and found that fuvking love letter she sent you, I would be there right now pummeling your face off, but Vik said that beating you up was "Highly unethical."

Maybe you should learn some ethics you shit bag! You go and steal my girl, and act as if nothing happened, OH I'M GONNA SHOW YOU HELL BOI!  when im through with you, Medusa wont be able to tell head from your hand, but she wont care will she, CUZ YOU CHEATED ON HER, you mind fuking basturd. and Wyatt, oh she'll absolutely LOVE what i have planned for her, obviously I'll go a little easy on her, because i trust that she had less to do with it than you,  but either way im done with her, im done with that bitch, she can go to hell!

Why dont you sent that letter to medusa. or maybe get a copy of one that you sent her, im sure you can, and send it to Medusa, see how she feels, oh wait, she might hurt Wyatt, well what does that matter to me.

And maybe you can tell wyatt that "we're done" for me,, cause I'm not talking to that bitch right now.

Ugh Tom, I guess i know you better than that. if you wanted something with Wyatt, you would have told me, or at least showed some signs of attraction. dude, im sory for ranting at you, i just needed someone to blame, and i through it on you. i hope you can forgive me.

your friend


ps. i think im gay now, so im gonna ask Vik out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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