HFHWG? - 02

22 3 0

Part 2, peeps!


Ken came rushing to the small living of their small cottage.

"Look Kayla! Guess what I found?"

"Ken, how many times do I have to tell you to jot disturb me while cooking?"

"I know, I know! But you have got to check this out."

"What is it?"


"Ah! It's the photo album I thought we lost a long time ago."

"I was checking the attic and found it in one of the boxes."

"Wow! Wait. What were you doing in the attic, anyways?"

"Um, lets worry about that later. Look at the photos inside!"

"Aha, look it's us and the whole gang. We look so young."

"Yeah. But y'know what hasn't changed?"


"Our love."

"Oh. I thought you were gonna say how much of a dummy you still are from back then."


"Hahahaha! Sorry!! Hahaha!"


"Oh c'mon! Here is the two of us on the day of graduation."

"It was a very eventful day. Everyone had a shocked expression when the principal called me to take my diploma."

"Well, I was one of them too..."

"What?! You were smiling at that time! I saw you."

"I was shocked but wasn't showing it because I knew it would hurt your feelings."

"Hmm? So you do care."

"Of course I do! Stupid..."

"Well, if I didn't graduate the two to us wouldn't have been here now."

"Yeah, as much as my dad disliked you back then, he would have definitely kicked you all the way around the other side of the world if you asked for his blessing."

"Ugh, don't remind me. It was hard enough already."

"Thank my mom for that. Me too, of course."

"Yeah yeah. Even if your dad didn't agree I would have kidnapped you."


"Yup! I love you with all my life. And your mom gave me this idea, though..."

"Wha-? Mom~."


"If dad had didn't agreed, I would have ran away with you."

"The goody-two-shoes would have ran away from home?! Wow..."

"Shut it! And I love you with my whole life too..."

"I know."

"Thanks for showing my this album, stingybee!"

"Your welcome and... Don't call me that!"



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