HFHWG? - 04

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Part 4! Let's begin.

"What's taking him so long?"



"Haa! Sorry I'm late. Got stuck with work."

"I was thinking you stood me up like on our date back in college."

"Now why would I do that? It was really difficult to make you forgave me."

"So your boss..?"

"Yeah, he gave me last minute files to assemble. I'm glad his assistant was there to help me once I told her about the situation."

"She seems thoughtful."

"And helpful."

"It's gonna be three years since you joined this job."

"Yeah, and I don't think I would have been able to break through if you weren't by my side."

"Hush up. It wasn't all me."

"To me, it was. If it weren't for you I still would be stuck in my boss's red list."

"Hehe! Seems so. I'm glad you stood for yourself."

"I stood up for you and our baby. By the way, where is he?"

"Jenny's house. We'll pick him up after dinner."

"Sounds good."

"So where are you taking me tonight, dear Sir?"

"Well My Lady, I have been planning for this for quite some time now. And I know you'll love it."

"Oooh, I cannot wait!"

"Haha! You are so energetic today."

"You know that since Sam was born, we didn't really get time for our self's. Not that I'm complaining; I love our child."

"So do I."

"Now c'mon, Mr. Cheesy. Hurry it up!"

"Woah! Wait, Kayla!!"


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