HFHWG? - 06

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Final Part, guys!


"Now please give a big round of applause for the graduates of 2017!"



"School's Over!"


"Mom! Dad!"


"Oh, how proud I am of you, son!"

"I did it like I promised."

"You sure did, honey."

"Now I can fly all over the world!"

"Not until you finish university."

"Aw man!"

"You thought Mom and Dad will lay low on you, Big Bro. Fat chance!"

"Hey, respect your elders. Your still in the first year of high school."

"So I'm a teen now. I can do whatever I wanna do."

"Not everything, princess."

"But Dad!"

"No buts, young lady."

"Oh, don't be so rash on our little princess, Ken."

"Hey Sam, look it's your girlfriend~!"

"WHAT?! She is NOT my girlfriend... yet..."

"Hmm? Mom, Dad! Sam has a girlfriend!!"


"Hehe, looks like our son is gonna bring us a daughter-in-law pretty soon."

"He will definitely! Besides he does have my looks."

"And my brains."


"Now, time for a family photo!"

"NO, Mom! Not here."

"Aw why not?"

"Because you make us do weird poses so let's just wait till we go home."

"Rose is right, dear."

"Honey, not you too?!"

"Oh, please can we just go to that new restaurant that opened downtown?"

"Nope, we are going to Uncle John's Café."

"No way."

"I'm the one who graduated so it's my day."

"What? Don't act like a king!"

"C'mon now, kids. I cooked the perfect family dinner at home."

"Meaning we are going home to have some family quality time."


" ...Quality..."




"I sure have a crazy family. But I love them neither the less. I'm coming too!"


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