Chapter 8 - Epilogue

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"Harry, hurry up!", Louis called from downstairs, "Come on, even a two and a half-year-old child is faster than you, and he almost dressed himself!" Harry could hear the teasing tone in Louis' voice but it was not enough to cover the fond that came with Louis' words. Harry always took too long, in Louis' opinion.

He finished the last touch on his curls, they were long enough to almost touch his shoulder again, and he loved it. As did Louis, considering the way he still didn't pass up a chance to touch Harry's curls in any way.

Harry made his way downstairs to where Louis was already waiting with Freddie. The both of them were matching, each of them wearing a pair of short, pale blue jeans paired with a blue t-shirt that had a big white Adidas logo in the front. They were also wearing the matching all black vans that Harry bought them last week. He couldn't help but smile widely at the sight of them.

"I'm ready now," He grinned at Louis, giving him a small kiss, "You two are ridiculous."

"We are cute and manly, that's what we are, Harry. Right, Freddie?" Louis held his fist out for Freddie to bump, which he enthusiastically did while grinning and nodding affirmatively. Harry loved the relationship between Louis and his son, and he was immensely glad that Louis and Brianna had come to a mutual agreement in the end. Louis had Freddie every second weekend whenever he was in LA, and for the time he wasn't, they planned special times when he could take him with him to London, for example, or also on holiday if it wasn't too long.

The first time Harry had seen Freddie was on his first birthday when he and Louis went to LA together. He immediately loved that little lad, who was a ball full of energy, just like his dad. And Harry also found that he couldn't say no to Freddie's big blue eyes either. Damn those Tomlinson genes.

"Alright, let's go. We have to be at Brianna's in like five minutes." Louis said, heading towards the garage. Harry followed him with Freddie holding on to his hand, grinning and bouncing with hurried steps to keep up with Harry's long legs.

"We going to mummy's home?" Freddie asked him while Harry strapped him into his car seat.

"Yeah, we are, buddy. Daddy and I have to be somewhere important today, so you're going home a little earlier than usually. Is that okay with you?" Harry replied.

Freddie seemed to think about it for a moment, frowning a little bit.

"Okay," was all he answered. Harry knew that that wasn't really what he was thinking, he had the same facial expression like Louis in situations like that. But he couldn't have changed anything anyway, so he decided to let it be, pressing a small kiss onto Freddie's forehead before closing the door and getting into the passenger seat.

"You look good, Haz." Louis said a few minutes into the drive. And Harry couldn't help it, hearing words like that still seemed to get him flustered. "Thanks.", he replied shyly, smiling at Louis profile. He still had times when he couldn't believe that this was his life. That Louis and he finally were together again. For good this time. Hopefully. They spent a lot of time talking after Louis' birthday that night, discussing their feelings, discussing their future. They have both grown up quite a bit, wiser in their decisions, wiser in choosing the right words instead of hot-headedly just blurting out every single thought. They knew that hurting each other purposely has never been the right way to do things, even if it was sometimes so much easier.

They have been good since then, over one and a half years now. Harry's mum was over the moon when they told her, she immediately asked them to come over and stay for a few days. Louis was a little overwhelmed at first, having someone there who has been like a second mother to him for such a long time, just a few weeks after his own mother died, was a bit too much. But in the end, he told Harry that Anne had really helped him with processing things. Of course, it was still hard sometimes, especially on Jay's birthday or any other holiday they used to spend with their family. But it got easier with time. Louis was healing, slowly but steadily. He kept his promise to talk to Harry whenever he felt down or was reminded of something again. And having Freddie with him more often was a gleam of hope in dark times, too.

After all that timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें