Chapter 10: Epilogue

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Ch 10 Epilogue

"Kyoko, do you mind if I pick you up around nine tonight? I know that's a little late, but there's something I want to show you and I can't do it any earlier than that..."

"Of course! Can you tell me what it is?"

"Nope!" He gives her an impish smile. "I'll see you then."


They get to Ren's door, and he unlocks it. Kyoko is dying of curiosity as to what it is Ren wants to show her.

They enter the dark house, and Ren flips on the light.

"It's in the dining room."

Ren tells Kyoko to close her eyes. She obeys. When he says, "open"...he flips on the light, to reveal a dozen faces seated around the table, a feast of food covering it. They all yell "surprise!" Kyoko is shocked—but confused.

" all this?"

"This is your graduation party!" Ren beams at her. "I had to make it late in order to accommodate everyone's schedules."

Kyoko is moved. Seated around the table were all her friends from work...Moko-chan, Amamaya-san, President Takarada, Tenten –san, Director Ogata, Sawara-san, Yashiro-san, and some of the actors and actresses she had worked with.

"Are you surprised, Kyoko?" asks Ren.

"H-hai!" she replies with glee, her eyes glossy.

Ren seats her and takes his own seat next to her, and the party begins. After everyone gorges themselves on the food, Kyoko is given small gifts, with words of congratulations.

Kyoko's eyes fog up as she thanks everyone repeatedly.

Once the guests leave, Ren says, "And now for my gift." He hands her an envelope.

Kyoko excitedly opens it—she couldn't imagine what sort of gift would fit inside of an envelope other than cash, which she knew it wasn't, but anything from Ren is special.

There inside she finds two plane tickets—to America.

With astonished, wide eyes, she asks, "Y-you're taking America?"

"Yes. For three days, plus the travel time. I've already cleared both our schedules for the trip with the President. It's next week. I hope you're excited...I don't know how much interest you really have in the States, but I thought you'd enjoy a little vacation overseas pretty much anywhere. Was I right?"

"Are you kidding me? You grew up in America! I'm going to love getting to see your place of origin with you! This is by far the best gift of the night! I-I don't know what to say...'thank you' falls too short..."

"Well," says Ren suggestively, "you could show me..." He's giving her his bedroom eyes and sly half-smile, looking irresistible.

Kyoko returns the look, and goes up to him to take him by the hand, wordlessly leading him to his bedroom.


"Well, here we are, Kyoko!"

"But this isn't a's a house! Is it one of those bed-and-breakfast things I've heard about?"

"Well, we will have a bed here and breakfasts let's go in."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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