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I knew where my next destination would be. I wanted to take him to a place to escape and it seemed like Vernon really needed an escape right now. Vernon was the first to break the silence.

"So... what's your nam-", he started as I cut him off.
"Ya know you look kinda familiar." I said. He laughed flashing his cheesy smile. Man, that smile would be the death of me.
"Aha yeah, you may know me from this Kpop group named Seventeen." He said while dorkily doing the Seventeen hand symbol and smiling really widely. I had heard of that group before but never really bothered to really look into them.
"Nah, you kinda look like a young Leonardo DiCaprio." I said while laughing, knowing that I was messing with him.
"Noooo don't say that!!" He said while jokingly looking at me with a frustrated face. "I have a lot of questions for you." He also said.
"Right back at you." I said while turning left at a green light.

He seemed to be in thought then turned to look at me and said, "Okay, how about we each get turns to ask questions?" He flashed his pearly whites again, seeming proud to have thought of this idea. He looked like a little kid excited to play road trip games. All I could think to myself was how adorable he looked right now. Snap out of those thoughts!! You can't like this boy, you barely know him. "Okay sure." I answered him, nonchalantly.

"Can I go first pleaseeee?" Vernon said dragging out the "e" with puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip. I laughed at how childish he looked right now and nodded yes to his question.
"Okay okay," he thought for a second, "What's your name?" He said.

"Vanessa Lee." I simply stated. "Pretty." He replied. I pushed my hair to the side of my face so my cheeks wouldn't show how much I was blushing. I can't believe I was blushing at one word he said, I never blush. Apparently Vernon noticed this because the next thing he said was, "Why'd you cover your face with your hair?"
"Hey! It's my turn to ask a question, remember?" I replied while smirking. He groaned while somehow smiling at the same time and said, "Okay fine, go."
"Why'd you hop into some strangers car?" I said while giving him a questioning look. "I was trying to get away from a mob of paparazzi." He explained shortly. "Oh. Why'd you choose this car?" I asked him back, wanting to continue the conversation further.

He put his finger up and wiggled it left to right while saying, "Nuh-uh, it's my turn to ask a question, remember?" He said, mocking me from earlier. I made a face at him and he laughed, kinda like sponge-bob, it was cute.
"This may be a stupid question but, what were you doing in the cafe? I saw you hurriedly walk out of the door while I was waiting for my coffee." He asked.

I replied saying, "I was stealing a car.", stating it like it was not a big deal. He looked at me shocked with big eyes. "You WHAT?" He said surprised and probably regretting coming with me. "I... stole.... a.... car." I replied again, enunciating each word like he was a baby learning words. He looked around the car and froze, "Um... was it THIS car?" "Yup." I said popping the p out. He started to freak out and looked really worried. "This will not look good on the news."

"Calm down, I'll leave it at the park and no one will know who took it. Speaking of parks, we're here!" I said, singing "here" and doing jazz hands, showing a really cheesy smile. He laughed and looked confused, "You took us to a park?"
"Hey! Don't judge, there's a really special part of it that I love." I replied to him. We both got out of the car and I grabbed his hand and started running to my special spot. "Come on! I'll take you to the special part!" I said really excited. All I heard from him was laughter and all I could feel were the butterflies in my stomach from the touch of his hand.

Sorry that last line was REALLY cheesy, woooops :p hope you enjoyed this chapter though!!! Leave me some feedback!

23 February 2017

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