Chapter Three

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So I've been sick. I guess I caught the flu or something? Anyways, I've been sleeping a lot because I haven't had any energy to eat or anything or even work. Being drowsy sucks when you have to write and you give yourself deadlines like. I had to keep like saying I'll work on it tomorrow and then tomorrow never came because I'm still sick like it made no sense. And I was miserable sick. I'm still sick now, but just with this nasty cough that is keeping me awake. I'm exhausted but I have this lovely person to talk to so I'm pretty content. 😊 Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter.

The smell of rubbing alcohol invaded Levy's lungs as she woke in a blindingly white room. Where was she? The smell had woke her up, with her having major stomach cramps. Levy grabbed her stomach, moving her legs from the bed to the floor. The small, frail girl picked her body up and moved through the room. Peeking through the hallway, the hallways were made of pastel peach colored walls. On the far side of the hallway, there was an older man, with white hair. When Levy took a step out, he turned around to face her.
"Miss McGarden, go back into your room and lay down. You should rest." He then saw Levy's hand on her stomach. "The babies fine, go rest."
Levy froze and her entire face flushed. Baby? She stopped gripping her belly, her hand went to just touching it. "M-my stomach is cramping, is that normal?"
"Yes, it's adjusting for a baby. Everything is fine." The guy walked towards her, holding a folder. He led her back into the room she had just woke up in and pulled out a black fuzzy picture out of the folder and handed it to Levy. The picture showed a circle with a little fuzzy grey dot in the middle. Levy guessed that was the baby. "It's about the size of a blueberry, and I noticed a little stress, but it's fine if you just rest for a few days. Otherwise you'll need to be put on bedrest probably for the majority of your pregnancy."
Levy looked down at her belly, it was still so flat. Is this a dream? "Um... where are my friends? And wasn't I on a train? Why am I here?"
"Ah, yes. Well, the train was attacked and you got hurt."
"Are my friends okay?"
"Yes I believe they went hack to the hotel they checked into to get you a change of clothes."
"Okay... Thank you... Um, did you say anything about the baby to them? They didn't know and I don't want them to worry." Levy stared at the ground.
"No, we just found out from your blood test that you were right after they left." The man leaned against the wall. "Neither of them mentioned that you were."
Levy nodded, biting her lower lip. "Yeah... well... I didn't know I was pregnant." Levy's hand found her stomach again. There was a baby inside of her, she couldn't get used to that.
"Well congratulations on your pregnancy I'm guessing you're beaming with joy to tell the father?"
The father? Who's that... oh, wait... Gajeel and I... It finally registered in her brain on that she's carrying Gajeel's baby. Levy shook her head no. "We're not together... And I'm almost certain he wouldn't want it."
The guy gave her a sympathetic look. "Well, babies are a blessing, I bet he'll think of it like that." He handed Levy that black fuzzy picture again. "Keep that, it's a photo of your baby."
Levy smiled, but nearly started crying, she couldn't help but wonder how she wounded up being pregnant with Gajeel. "T-Thank you." She bit her bottom lip, staring at the photo of her baby. She could hardly talk to him since they've had sex, but now here she was; carrying his baby. How would she even tell him? Just openly tell him, like hey I'm pregnant? Or just say it casually over a cup of coffee?
The guy left her room, leaving Levy alone with her thoughts.

Over the next few days, as soon as Levy got back home to Magnolia, she avoided the guild and everyone she knew. The solid script mage knew she was probable to spilling things she had just found out about herself if she was to truly converse with anyone. And honestly, Levy didn't want just anyone to know about her pregnancy. The only people Levy thought should know were the father and her closest friends.
Sighing Levy rolled over onto her side, looking at a stack of baby books she's already managed to get and read. It had lots of useful things in all of them; how to eat, ways to lower stress and relax, different pregnancy milestones, how the baby can learn while it's in your womb and different exercises you can do when your belly gets bigger. Yet the most important thing she needed go learn is, how to tell the father he's going to be a father? None of the books she read even mentioned that and Levy felt like she was going to implode with fear and anxiety. And even though the bookworm read that, that couldn't be good for the baby, she couldn't help it! She was terrified.
Levy placed a hand on her belly, she wondered if a mother like herself would ever make it proud. Especially since she was too scared to face the truth. "I bet your father--" Levy stopped herself at the words she was saying. Gajeel as a father would probably be either cool or scary. On the plus side, he'd sing to the child and on the downside he'd probably teach it how to get into trouble. That wasn't something Levy wanted for her child. But she also knew she didn't want to keep her child from it's father. Plus Gajeel has every right to be part of the babies life.
As Levy was laying on her side, she felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over her and she jolted up covering her mouth. When Levy reached her toilet, she hunched over it and vomited everything in her out. By the time she was done, she felt gross and got in the shower to try to wash that feeling away. This wasn't the first time she got sick, it started happening the day after she got back. And the blunette was assuming it was the start of morning sickness.
When Levy got out of the shower, she dryed her hair with her towel, ringing it out. Then wrapped the towel around her body and left the bathroom. When she entered her bedroom, she was startled by Lucy sitting on her bed. She was quietly reading one of Levy's books it looked like. And when Levy got closer to her, she could see it was one of the baby ones. Levy stopped dead in her tracks. "L-Lu-chan."
"When were you going to tell me?" Lucy closed the book and sat it next to her on the bed.
"...How'd you get in?" Levy was trying to change the subject. She didn't want to talk about her condition at this exact second.
"The door was unlocked and I haven't heard from you in days, I was wondering if you were really okay." Lucy stated.
Levy sat down next to her, and straightened out the towel so it'd be flat on her lap. "I'm fine, as you can see."
"And pregnant, apparently." Lucy looked over to her best friend, or what she thought was her best friend. And showed her the picture the guy gave her of her baby. "Who's the father?"
"Gajeel is." Levy looked down. She felt goosebumps up and down her entire body when she said this out loud.
"Were you planning on telling anyone?" Lucy looked over to her friend, with concern growing in her eyes.
"Eventually... I just don't exactly know how to go about it. Especially with Gajeel, I'm worried he'll freak out." Levy looked over to her friend, who was still looking at her. Except this time, Lucy wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer.
"I bet he'll be happy, you know, after the initial shock." She kind of laughed. It wasn't her normal laugh, it was an uncomfortable, but bright laugh.
"What if I don't tell him and I run away and raise the baby alone? I could be a single mother, and you could always come by from time to time being the cool aunt that brings presents from your missions for it." Levy felt rude for just calling her baby an it, it wasn't an it, it was a person. Sure, it was a small person, but it was a person nonetheless.
"Levy, the right thing to do is to tell Gajeel and the sooner the better. He'll get mad if you keep it from him." Lucy warned her, rubbing her arm her hand was touching as it was wrapped around her.
Levy knew Lucy was right, telling Gajeel would probably be better sooner rather than later... But did she really want to even tell him?

Shrimp's Secret (Gajeel x Levy, Gajevy Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin