6th Grade Memories

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Author's Note- For a while, my plans were a bit different. Each chapter was supposed to be its own individual book, but I decided that if I did it that way then there would be too many books and that they would all be too short.

                                             How We Met, Nicknames, & the Invisible Watch

It all started on the first day of school in advisory. We hardly knew each other, or for that matter anyone else in the room. What do you expect on your first day in a new school? Anyway, when we started the regular-school-day-routine with the eight classes of the day and all, we found each other in 4th and 6th period (along with our soon-to-be nemesis). We started to sit by each other at lunch, and, after a few weeks, with Joseph (Joe), whom I had known since the previous year. Jeffrey would say "shut up" a lot that year, probably because he never had any good comebacks when I said something. Eventually Joe became our Lecturer when we said something that made no sense or grammatically incorrect. He would correct us and explain how we were wrong. I was perfectly fine with it, especially since it irritated Jeffrey.

One day Jeffrey started to give me nicknames, and I discovered his true nature: weirdness. The first nickname he gave me was "stupid pony." After that, he made up another one, but I'm not too sure if dinosaurs can be pink. Closer to the end of the year, Jeffrey made up his third and final nickname for me. Who knew camels could be racist?

Jeffrey also invented his Invisible Watch, an imaginary contraption which he made to annoy me, but his plan backfired and what it did instead was remind me that he was stupid.

                                                                            Love? No Way! 

People accused me and Jeffrey of being in love. We didn't appreciate that, especially me. I mean, why would I like a weird guy like him? Take away all his stories and nicknames, and yeah, maybe there would be a possibility that I like him. But if you leave him the way he is, then NO WAY!

                                             Nicolay: The Ultimate Evildoer in 6th Grade 

Nicolay was in my second period for half the year, our fourth period for most of the year, Jeffrey's science class and our sixth period for the entire year.  Alyssa didn't like Nicolay any more than we did. She was my friend, but Jeffrey didn't seem to like her much. Nicolay started my "relationship" with her by walking up to me and stating she didn't like me. As time went on, what she said that day made more and more sense. She moved away after the last day of school, but so did Alyssa.

                                        Scared on the Stairs & Attack of the Sock Puppet

I was walking up the stairs from Social Studies to English when Jeffrey saw me. He hid behind a pillar, and when I got to the top of the stairs he jumped out and scared me. After we made a stop at our lockers, I hit him several times with my backpack. 

 One day Jeffrey glued googly eyes onto a sock in his art class and called it a sock puppet (though it wasn't much of one). I wasn't there to see it, but Jeffrey ran up to Joe, hit him with his sock puppet, and ran off.

                                                                                The Bet

In sixth grade, I had a bad habit of kicking Jeffrey's shins under the lunch table. One day, Jeffrey made a bet that I couldn't go for a week without kicking him, so I said that he couldn't go for a week without saying "shut up." So for the first few days we tried hard to resist our temptations and provoke our opponents.  Near the end of the week, Jeffrey cracked as we left 6th period because I had been repeatedly telling him since the bet started that he secretly was in love with Nicolay and would one day get married to her. I don't blame him for giving up, though. After all, who would want to marry their own bully?


On the last day of school in sixth period, Jeffrey took his fabric book jackets off of his textbooks. He put the black one on top of his head and said that he was Batman. Then he "flew" around the classroom while I laughed my head off at him.

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