The Beginning

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    It was a dark night, you were sitting in your room wondering if you could get any more bored. "Y/N dinners ready!" Your mom yelled. It was such a lonely night for you because everyone was in their houses, not even a single person out on the streets. "Coming mom!" You said. Of course your father wasn't home, working late again.....stupid dad you thought to yourself. Your mom gave you your dinner as you walked up the stairs to your bedroom with the dinner plate with a pile of food on it. This looks sooo good!!!! You thought. You then hear the shudder of your blinds. "What was that...." you said so quietly nobody could hear you. As you stare at the swaying blinds you slightly hear footsteps from outside. I have to turn off the lights! After you turned them off your mother called out to you"Y/N are you going to bed already?" You stay quiet as the footsteps get louder, you start to curl up on your bed. The bedroom door opens and the lights turn on as you jumped. "Is everything ok sweetheart?" Your mom asked. "Oh...yes mother" You replied. She exits the room while leaving the door closed and turning the lights off again. You look back at the window and you see a dark shadow in front of the shining moonlight gleaming through the blinds. You shake in fear and your blood runs cold. "W-who are you?" You asked the mysterious figure. "I think you already know..." You see a glimmer behind him as it looks pointy...could that it can't be..."Jeff..." You were still shivering in fear as your words came out. "That's my name....I guess I could say I know you too.." He snickers and walks closer to you. You back away as he comes even closer and closer until he's on your bed. "A-are you gonna k-kill me..." You asked the killer. "Don't be scared....I'm only a person.....a beautiful person at that." He said. Your eyes widen as his face comes closer to yours as you hear the front door open...great dads home..."Come with me sweetheart...." It's like he could read your wanted to leave in the sight of your dad. You never wanted to be with him. "Before we leave, I would like to have some you mind?" He asked deviously. "Do I mind what?" You were frightened at the sight of your father yelling at you almost screaming at you sometimes. "You know....well do you mind?" He asked once more. "Actually no...go ahead" You replied in a kind of satisfied tone. He gave you his blood stained sweatshirt as you put it on, he carried you and told you to hide in the trees next to your house. He climbed back in through the window and all of a sudden you heard a loud scream followed by another coming from the inside of your house.

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