Never Gonna Give You Up

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Ivy's POV

"Avi if you don't get your ass over here, Momma's not gonna be happy!"

I looked over at Mitch and laughed before returning my attention to the man in front of me. "Go. We don't need you in trouble."

"Fine. Just be safe?"

"Always. Don't break the speakers." I smiled and leaned up, pecking his lips before lightly pushing him towards the others. It wasn't the first show of the tour, but I could understand Mitch's frustration. It had been like this for the past two weeks. It would almost be time for the show to start, he'd tell me to be careful or safe and I told him I would. Seem simple enough? The frustration comes when it always seemed to take us forever to part ways. Avi had been almost late every single night.

I didn't mind though. He was worried. Ever since I came out of the doctor's crying he had been. I still haven't told him what it was all about. All I told him was that the baby was perfectly fine. That's all he needed to know, especially since it wasn't a lie. He would have to wait about another month to find out the entire story.

I quickly made my way through the hallways, able to hear the start of the show through the walls as I looked around. I finally found the front entrance turned my head the opposite direction to find the doors to where the crowd was screaming. Laughing softly, I walked through the doors and took my time until I got to the front row before taking my seat near the middle.

It was something I had been doing since the tour started. It wasn't necessarily because I wanted to seem normal, but more because the show was much better from the front than the side. I kept quiet for most of the show, only raising my voice a couple of times. If Avi caught me being to hyper, I wouldn't hear the end of it. You need to stay calm and relaxed. No stress. It was cute how concerned he always was now.

I watched them disappear backstage and followed everyone that had a VIP pass, talking softly with one girl. I always loved meeting people that nearly passed out just from the thought of meeting the same people I dealt with on a daily basis. It was humbling even because I knew it was exactly how I would react if I was in her position.

I could have taken the faster route, but I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. Plus, I didn't mind all that much because there were so many people I could talk to. Talk. Pose. Sign. Move up. It was a constant routine I had grown used it.

"Are you sure I look okay?"

"Girl, half the guys tonight were staring at you. Avi won't be able to take his eyes off you! Now what are you gonna do?

"I'm gonna walk up there and get his number."


I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation the two girls behind me were having. It was funny, really, but that didn't stop me from putting my two cents in. I turned around and looked over both girls, one considerably more dressed up than the other. "I heard skin tight clothes aren't really his thing."

Both girls looked at me, but it wasn't good looks. They were more like scowls. They kept quiet until the one that was dressed to impress spoke up. "And let me guess, pudgy, overweight girls are?"

Ouch. I looked down, forcing a smile to stay off my face as I noticed my skirt not hiding the fact that I wasn't nearly as thin as I used to be. "I was just saying what I heard. No need for harsh words."

"How about this. Stay out of my conversation. If not, I'll just get security to escort you out for hurting me." I watched her reach out and immediately jumped back, but not before she managed to poke my belly.

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