Knockin' On Heaven's Door

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Avi's POV

It was kind of weird to think of Ivy as my wife. Then again, things didn't seem much different than they were before. I guess they wouldn't be if you truly love someone. I liked it though, knowing that she was mine. Knowing Greyson and Athena were healthy and excited to be going on a boat for the first time. At least they aren't scared.

It was Scott's idea to go on the water since we all liked it so much last time. It was to relax a bit before we went on tour again. I wasn't entirely sure about the idea of a tour since the twins were still so young, but I was outnumbered. "You need to relax a bit." I glanced over at Mitch and shrugged a bit as I picked Greyson up and rested him on my hip.

"I'm still not so sure about taking the kids on tour."

"It'll be fine. Besides, I think they'd like seeing the world," Ivy said as she walked into the kitchen with a beach bag in one hand and her other one holding Athena's.

"I know," I said as I rolled my eyes and leaned up against the kitchen. All we were waiting on now was Kirstie and Kevin. "Is Esther still upstairs?"

"Yeah, she'll be down in a minute."

"Honey! We're home!" I laughed a bit at Kevin's entrance. "The others are waiting," he told us as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Alright, that's everything. Hey Kurvy," Esther said as she quickly came downstairs. She handed me the bag she held and hurried outside.

"Someone's in a rush," Scott said with a laugh as we headed out. The entire ride there was pretty relaxed between the silent moments and small talk. As we arrived to the ocean, we unpacked and transferred everything to the boat and climbed aboard, Kevin taking the wheel.

"Hey babe, sunscreen?" I barely managed to catch the bottle when Ivy tossed it at me, but I had it nonetheless. I took a seat and pulled the twins into my lap, beginning to rub them down thoroughly. As I finished, I set them down and leaned back, enjoying the cooling breeze and smell of seawater.

"Mitchy!" Athena yelled as she ran over to the brunette. No matter what anyone said, he was definitely her favorite 'uncle'. I watched as he picked her up and positioned her so she could see the water. 

I looked around for Greyson, only to find him clinging to Kevin's shorts. Getting up as I felt the boat slow, I made my way to the front, taking it upon myself to sit on Esther's lap. "How are two of my favorite women talking about?"

"Gee, I feel the love," Kirstie said with a playful pout. I laughed a bit, earning a slight smile from her. "If you must know, we're considering going for a swim once we stop completely."

"A swim in the deep ocean? No thanks," I said, standing up and kissing the top of Ivy's head. "You three have fun. I'll keep an eye on the kids."

"You are amazing," she said as he hopped up.

"Tell me something I don't know."

 I gave her one last kiss and headed over to Mitch's side. "The older she gets, the more she looks like Ivy," he said, holding onto her tightly.

"I know. It's insane."

A loud splash erupted and Athena started laughing as she pointed at Ivy. "Mommy water!!" I laughed a bit and nodded as I kissed the top of her head.

"I don't see how she can do it," I murmured quietly, unaware that Scott had picked it up.

"Because the unknown doesn't bother her," he said as he walked up and stood on the other side of me. I nodded quietly as I dive under and emerge in several different places.

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