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Jack's POV
It was now lunch time and I was heading down the hall to the back doors again. I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. That was until I saw the shy kid from earlier.

He hadn't seen me yet and continued walking. Before he bumped into me I put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. He looked up at me scared and shrunk away slightly.

I felt horrible. I recognised that exact face. The fear in his light blue eyes. It was the face I held the first couple of times I had ran into Aaron. I knew where this would go if I didn't stop it.

"Hey, look I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you. I was just... Angry and upset about something. I guess I just lashed out because of it," I said softly. His fear subsided slightly but still held on his face.

"O-okay, I'm s-sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. I get distracted quite easily," he said nervously. He looked up over my shoulder and Hus eyes lit up slightly.

I turned to see Aaron walking over to us with a half smile on his face. Mine dropped and I began walking away.

"Jack," I froze when he called my name. I still wasn't sure if I could trust him.

"What do you want Aaron?" I said quietly. I was looking down the hall in front of me. He put a hand on my shoulder and spun me around.

"Everyone's wondering where you are. Minx and Dodger are worried you didn't show up for lunch. Why didn't you?" He asked politely. I sighed and looked at the kid. He was looking back at me curiously.

"I just didn't want yo be around people. I get claustrophobic," I lied. Aaron didn't seem to see though it but the kid did.

"What's the actual reason?" He asked shyly. I felt my eyes burn and I knew I was about to cry but I refused to. I turned around and walked away.

"That was it," I said over my shoulder before ducking around the corner and sprinting down the unfamiliar hall. I couldn't let them know. I couldn't...

I ran into the nearest restroom and into the stall at the far end. I locked the door and sunk to the floor. I shakily pulled out the pen I always had in my pocket and scribbled words across my arm.

I love you Mark. More than you could ever know.

I felt the words echoing in my head, even though they were said out loud. I felt my body shaking and the tears I was holding back so desperately slipped down my face.

What's wrong babe?

How did he know? How did he figure out something was wrong?

I can't do this anymore Mark. I feel everyone is just staring at me with everything I do. I feel like I am going to fall apart every day. I feel like I will never get to see you again...

You'll get though this Jack. Trust me. When you turn 18 you can do what you want freely. You can come back to me and Felix. We can be together again. You just have to hold up until then okay? You can do this. I love you.

I couldn't help but let hope fill some if the cracks in my heart. He was right. I turn 18 in a month. I'll see him then. I just need to hold myself together until he can hold it for me.

Thank you Mark. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you.

Probably put up with Felix being all motherly.

I couldn't help but laugh. He always found a way to make me feel better. I heard the bell ring and I knew I had to go to class.

I've got to go. Class starting soon. I'll talk later okay babe?

Sure, stay strong love. Don't let any tears cover your beautiful face.

I won't. I love you.

I love you too.

I climbed to my feet and washed my face in the sink. I walked back to class and walked in just as the bell rang. I sat in the back corner and put my head on the desk, wrapping my arms around  the top if my head to hide my face.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a soft voice call. I looked up to see a young girl giving me a concerned look. I just shook my head and returned it to the desk.

The teacher began the lesson but I didn't listen to any of it. I was replaying everything that happened to me in my life.

Being bullied, moving to LA and meeting Mark, the kidnapping, the joy afterwards, being torn away from everything and the crushing two years after, being moved here, meeting Minx and Dodger and feeling happy again, then coming to school and everything I had worked for just slipping away. The whole thing was just a loop. Being sad and lonely, then becoming happy an loved just to return to being sad again.

Why continue this loop anyway. There's no end to it. Even if I get to move back to America with Mark something g is bound to happen that breaks me again. Its better to just end it now.

No! I can't be like that. I will get through it. Mark will help, Minx and Dodger can help. I'm not alone in this. I've always had Mark. Weather he was right next to me or thousands of miles away. He was always there.

I can get through this. All I ever needed was a pen. If I could talk to Mark then everything would be fine.

Sorry, sad chapter.

Our Love Story (Sequel To Written In Ink)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ