Part V - What Do You Think You Can Do When You Are Being Bullied?

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I think the best thing you can do is stand up for yourself, honestly. Truth be told, it's a lot more arduous than just saying it. You have to prove yourself not only to the bully, but to your own self as well. You can't make a stand for yourself if you don't believe you can. That is the one thing that stops anyone from doing anything. Is that they don't have the willpower to stop a bully from bullying.

To gain that will power, I think the best way would be to come to terms with yourself as a person and accept that you're you and not what the bully makes you out to be. Again, it's a lot harder than just saying it. That is the best way I can think of to deal with bullies.

That is exactly how I dealt and still deal with my bullies. Once you come to terms with yourself, you unlock a whole new meaning to living, and in that sense; no one will be able to alter that standing for as long as you keep it in place. Just keep telling yourself that you're you and that no one can match up to you as a person in any way, shape or form.

Then, no bully will be able to harm you, and you'll just look at them with a dumb grin on your face to counteract what they say to you, because you know it's not true. Only you know who you are. Don't let a bully tell you what you are. That's up to you to ultimately decide. Be the best you can be, because it's all you can be.

I love helping people a lot. It's something I do, something I love. I am saying this honestly and truthfully: If you let a bully define you; then you're weak. You need to make a stand for yourself. I hate saying people are weak. No one is weak. You're as weak as you make yourself out to be. Stand up and be strong. Plant your feet into the earth, and show your pride and tell everyone that there's nothing they can do to harm you.

We're all humans as I've kept saying in this guide. If you show them you're a human just like them; they'll leave you alone. Sometimes the next best thing to do would be to ignore them completely. Hang out with some friends. Show the bully that you're happy. They attack you to make you unhappy. If you have no friends (Which everyone should have a friend!); do something to make you happy.

Be powerful, be unique, be you!

Absolute Guide to BullyingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora