Part VII - What Are Appropriate Consequences For Bullies?

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I know most of you by now must think of me as someone who'd say "Oh, bullies don't deserve consequences. Everyone makes mistakes". However, this is false. I believe there should be consequences for actions such as this. They should know right from wrong, and be able to determine an appropriate behavioral attitude towards other members of society.

The main thing that is being tackled in this guide are bullies, right? Let's all think about this for a moment. Bullies are people who attack others to inflict damage to other people. Whether it's physically, emotionally, or socially. Now, here's the part to think about in this chapter:

Why do bullies bully?

Use that question to find the answer to the appropriate consequences. It all depends on the degree of damage that is being dealt by the bully, so more damage equals a bigger consequence, correct? In most cases, this is completely factual.

I bet some of you are wanting to know MY opinion to the question, so I'll share it. The most appropriate consequence for any bullying situation at any altitude of damage is guilt. If the bully feels guilty for their actions; then they can live with that guilt for a long time until they condone themselves to do the right things in life.

However, they're not going to do the right thing on their own. Everyone needs help in their life now and then, and I mean everyone. You shouldn't tell someone how to live their life, but instead tell them how to live it better. This is one thing that people usually ignore, so it's a good idea to mention it here. The entire point I'm trying to make so far; is to not think of what the bully did to hurt you, but how you can make your life easier for yourself and make the lives of others easier for them as well. Things should balance out right, but they normally never do.

I'm not asking you to work with the bully, but find a mutual understanding point of interaction between the two of you. Most of the time, that can't be done, and it's fairly difficult on it's own as well. I'm not a legal therapist, but I sure as hell know people, and I've done this long enough to understand properly on how to do things for myself. Just not for others all that well.

I know the chapter says "Consequences" meaning more than one, so let's talk about other possibilities.

There are inappropriate and appropriate consequences. The differences between the two are big, and not to be confused with. I will never do things or ask anyone here to do anything inappropriately to measure out a consequence out of self-hatred or other personal problems. I urge you all to do the right thing and take the appropriate measures to balance out everything.

I think the only appropriate consequence for bullying would be to have the bully understand that they did something wrong, and that they can do something to make it up. Whether it's easy or hard; just don't make it overly-excessive. Otherwise, it crosses the lines between being fair, and being unfair. That is something that you have to decide as a human. Life is all about making choices, and making the right ones is never easy.

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