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Hi,  my name is Harley Dawn Roberts. Har for short. I live in Ohio with my mom, dad, sister, and brother.  I am 15 years old. I have dark brown hair and chocolaty eyes, most times I have my hair in a ponytail and have the ponytail going threw the hole of a baseball cap.  I am a freshman and have 2 best friends named Jessa and Sadie.  I am in love with Impractical Jokers, I may look like Brian (Q) but I am a huge Team Sal fan.  My social studies teacher watches the show too an there was one time he asked me "Did you know that if Q was a girl he/she would look like you?" After he said that I started to get suspicious because if my sister and brothers hair is dirty blond like my parents why is mine dark brown? Then I just kept telling myself 'Must be because I want me meet the guys so much I am thinking I am related to them.'

Hey guys!! I couldn't think of a name so it's just Sal Vulcano  Fanfic for now.  I'll try an make chapters longer then they are in my other books!

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