Chapter 1

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Harley's POV
I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 5:30 in the morning on Monday, the worst day of the week.

I went to the shower. After my shower I was getting ready. I was walking to the door when my mom yelled "Harley come down here! Breakfast is ready and we need to talk!" She sounded excited.

"Coming!" I yelled and started to run down the stairs. My birthday was in two days so I was kind of excited too.

"Morning Honey! How'd you sleep?"

"Good. What's for breakfast?" I asked walking over to the pan.

"Eggs. I have exciting news! So your birthday is in two days and your father and I did some thinking and decided that we were going to let you, Adrianna, and Sadie go to see 'The Tenderloins' live!!"

At this point I was crying. I know what your thinking 'really your crying over this?' Yes. Yes I am. I love them so much and now I can't wait to go to school and tell Adrianna and Sadie! "Thank you guys so much!! But how will we get there?"

"Robbie say he would take you because Em isn't coming home from college on your birthday."

I will admit, I was sad she wasn't coming home but I wasn't going to let that ruin this moment. I ran up into my brothers room and jumped on him and hugged him. Usually he would push me off and tell me to leave and I was ready for that to happen but he hugged back. Weird...

"Harley lets go before your late!" My dad yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled "Bye bub. See you when I get home!"

He sleepily said 'bye' then I walked back downstairs. I grabbed my book bag and walked to the car that my dad was in.

"Got everything?" He asked

I nodded my head yes then he started to drive. The drive was silent other then the radio. I was silently singing the songs I knew.

"Your a really good singer sweetie. You should be in choir instead of band." He finished.

"I would but I wouldn't want to upstage anyone." I whipped my hair and laughed. "I think I get my sarcasm from you dad." I laughed. He just sat there and didn't do anything. 'Why is everyone acting weird today?" I thought to myself.

Time skip to lunch

I have had Jessa and Sadie wait till lunch to tell them.

"Okay so what is so important that you had us wait till lunch to find out!" Sadie asked.

"Well since my birthday is in two days... My mom got us tickets to go see Impractical Jokers on my birthday! Robbie said he can drive us to an from it too. It's only an hour away but with him driving---"

"It's only 30 minutes" Jesaa cut in making us all laugh.

Time skip to back home

When I got home I ran straight upstairs and Tweeted the guys
"Going to see 'The Tenderloins' for my birthday on Wednesday! Can't wait to see them live! @Jamessmurray @Joe_Gatto @BQQuinn and @SalVulcano !
Within like 30 minutes of that being posted I got a notification.
Brian Quinn liked your tweet.
I was smiling so big then my phone went off with another notification.
'If I see you might bring you up on stage! Just for a birthday present❤️!'
I was jumping in my room and smiling when Rob (Robbie) came in my room.

"What are you so happy about?" I threw him my phone and he read the tweets and started jumping with my "I am so happy for you!! You are so lucky!" While jumping I started to think 'he doesn't even like them or the show. Weird'

Brian's (Q) POV
I was so happy she was coming to see us live. I was still in tough with her foster parents and when I found out I texted them right away.

'Thank you so much for letting her come! I can't wait to see her in person!"

'No problem Brian! She loves the show and we thought that (if you wanted) you can tell her she's your daughter. We know you want to meet her and if you want you can take her back home with you.'

'Wait! Are you serious!?! You wouldn't care? I could have my daughter back?! I would love to!! We leave this state in 3 days so that should give her some time to come with me (if she would want to)'

'Oh Brian, trust me she would want to. I think she was getting suspicious too because we were acting weird today and her brother was being nice to her. So you can tell her she can come back home or you can bring her here so we can see you too.'

'Thank you so much! I can't wait to see her in person. Don't get me wrong. I love the pictures of her doing sports and on her birthdays but I might cry seeing her in person.'

'OH I FORGOT! She is bring two friends incase she starts to cry so she can cry on their shoulder. So if you were to bring her home you would have to bring them.'

'That is fine! You can tell Robbie I will get her! Does she have meet and greet?

'No I forgot all about that! Sorry!'

'It's fine! Just send me a picture of what she's wearing and with her friends so if I cat find her I can look for her friends!

'Okay Brian. Text you Wednesday!'

'Yep text you Wednesday!!'

I walked out of my hotel room and walked over to Sal's room. Ibwas banging on the door till he opened it. I knew it annoyed him so I kept doing it. "I'm coming now shut the fuck up Brian!!"

Sal opened the door. "Hey bud. What at you so happy about. Is it about that girl who tweeted us about going to the show? I saw you put a heart." He winked.

"Umm ewww gross" his expression changed and just looked at me.

"That is so rude! We are suppose to love our fans!" He slapped m in the arm.

"Let me finish. I said eww gross because A.She is 15 almost 16
B.shes a fan and we can't date fans
And C. She is my daughter that Mallory had before she left me."

Sal just looked at me like I was crazy. "How did we never know she was pregnant?"

"Whenever you guys came over I always had her leave because I wanted to do what Joe did and surprise you guys. Then she had the baby then left after giving birth. I'm still in contact with the foster parents and they said she can come live with me in NY and that I can tell her I'm the father." I said the last part so fast that Sal could barley understand and that I forgot to breath.

"Okay I only understood the part she left then you went to fast." Sal said chuckling a little. "Can you sum it up a bit."

"IM GETTING MY DAUGHTER BACK WEDNESDAY!!!" I yelled causing James and Joe to come out of their rooms.

"Your what?!" They asked in unison.

I explained it again then they were both shocks but congratulated me.

"We all get to meet her Wednesday at the live show!!

Heyy guys hope you liked this chapter!!

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