Chapter 4

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Harley's POV
I woke up the next day with Jessa and Sadie on the bed and me on the floor. Jessa always tells me I'm weird because I'd rather sleep on the floor then the bed. I walked downstairs to see Sal asleep on the couch and Brain laying on top of him. I tried to hold my laughter in. I took my phone out and took a picture then I almost fell down the stairs from laughing so hard. I scared Brian and Sal to where Brian fell off of Sal onto the floor.

"What's so funny Harley? You just scared the shit out of us!" Brian yelled while laughing a little. I took my phone over to them and showed them the picture. They started to get up so I fan as fast as I could to me room not caring how loud we were. "Delete that picture!" Brain laughed threw the door I was currently sitting in front of.

"What the hell. Shut the fuck up. It's like 7 in the morning." Sadie complained.
"It's actually 11 in the morning and help me!!" I said laughing. They both came over and sat in front of the door until the knocking calmed down. In that short period of time I sent the picture I took to Sadie and Jessa. We got up and walked over to the bed. I guess we should've listen to see if we heard footsteps go away but we were stupid and didn't so the guys ran in, took my phone then deleted. They looked like they accomplish so much till my phone vibrated. I looked at the message and Jessa re-sent me the picture.

~3 hours later~

All my stuff was packed in Brains car. Everyone was in the car and I was hugging everyone bye. Mom and Dad were crying and surprisingly I wasn't. I think I saved all my anger from last night and used it so I wouldn't cry. When I got to Robbie he hugged me then went upstairs to play his game again. Figures.

I walked back to the car and got in the back with Jessa and Sadie. I waved bye again then they were out of site. I sighed then got on my phone.

S: Sal
H: me
S~ you okay?
H~ yeah. Why?
S~ I would've been balling my eye out if I had to leave the family I lived with my whole life.
H~Oh well Yerp I'm fine. I have my family in this car.
S~ Mmhmm "family" 😉
H~ Are you talking about last night?
S~ Psshh no...
H~ MHM! Okay well I'm about to sleep more. You two wore me out this morning.
S~ Okay. Night. 💤😴😘

I put my phone on Pandora on Sleeping With Sirens radio and feel asleep listen to Kellin Quinn's voice singing "If You Can't Hang."
(Don't judge on my music either please. I am in love with those bands. Okay back to the story.)

~2 hours later~
I woke up to Jessa shaking me. "What do you want." I said groggily. "We're already at the hotel getting ready to get food." I jolted up. "Where are we going to eat?" I asked excitedly. I haven't really eaten all day and I was starving. "I don't know. When we drove by we only saw a Applebee's." If only they knew how much I loved that place.

"Okay let's go to Applebee's!" Brian said clapping his hands together. I ran to the car and got in the front seat. "You know Sal's going to want to sit there right?" I chuckled. "Yep. But he can... SUCK IT!" I said doing the thing Joe did when they were swinging over water. Brian just laughed and shook his head. I unlocked the doors and then pushed the button on my door down so Sal couldn't open it. He wasn't paying attention and true to open the door. I was in hysteria while he was getting in the back. "I'm going to get you back on that Har." With that we were off to get food.

HAHA JESSA I DID UPDATE TONIGHT!!  Anyways sorry I haven't been updating in a while.  I've been reading a lot of band and Impractical Joker fanfics.  But I updated!! 😀😀.

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