Ch. 2

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🐱Fluffy Renos🐱

  Once my shift was over I walked into my boss’ room, looking at him. He looked back as his god awful smirk tugged at the corner of his lip. “You called?” I asked leaning against the door frame. Teddy nodded, resting his chin in his hand. I saw that he grabbed a small slip of paper. My gaze wandered to his desk which had.. A lot of money. I let out a small gasp and looked back over at my boss. Teddy let out a chuckled and stood up, his much taller frame pressing me against the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at him. “What?” My voice came out bitter. “Well you got numbers from people once again..” I rolled my eyes and shoved my boss away. “What else is new?” I asked sarcastically. He chuckled crossing his arms. “One boy, black hair, glasses. He gave me money and his number.” I slammed Teddy against the wall looking up at him. “Give me it.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, I shivered. “I will I will, don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  I let out a relieved sigh and took the number from him. “I want my money too.” Teddy pressed a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t do that!” I complained in a whiny voice right in my boss’s ear. He rolled his eyes. “Sorry sorry jesus.” He pulled away. “Okay now” I reached out my hand, “that’s my money you got there.” Teddy reached onto his desk and grabbed the money, soon handing it to me. I snatched the money from his hand and let out a hiss. “Calm down.” He rubbed my head and sent a smack straight onto my ass. “Hey!” I puffed up my cheeks glaring at him.”  Teddy smirked and sat behind his desk. “Get the hell outta her Twink.” I rolled my eyes and went into my changing room. I placed the money and number down, stripping off my work clothes and putting on my normal soft jacket and silky shorts. I placed the money in my bag and made sure I had everything. I stepped out of the strip club and saw my best friend’s car waiting for me in the front. Keep in mind it was raining and at this point I was drenched.

  Ryan let out a giggle and rolled down the window. “Come on!” I smiled and ran over, slipping into his car. “Oh thank god you're here.” He smiled and started the car once he made sure I had my seatbelt on. “Well I am your only ride am I not?” I smiled and leaned back in the seat. I felt the car rumble a bit as it started to back out of the parking lot. “Yea you are. You're the only one who’s responsible enough to drive.” Ryan giggled. “Why thank you!” I smiled as my gaze made  its way out the window. After a few minutes of silence Ryan broke it. “Sooo..” He started, “where am I taking ya?” He asked in his normal soft sweet voice. Just listening to his voice could melt someone’s stone cold heart. “Bank if you can. I need to deposit some money..” He stopped the car at a red light and looked over at me, I returned the gaze. “...” I cracked a smile. “...” We both burst into laughter. “Yea! ‘Some’ money!” Ryan shook his head still laughing and drove once the light changed in color. “I’ll pay for gas.” I smiled watching the window wipers shove the water droplets off the window. “No no no sweetie you don’t have to-” I stopped him. “Shush.” I smiled. “Don’t worry honey, I’m getting you gas.” He smiled at me. “Thanks.”

  Ryan pulled into the parking lot of the bank. “Here we are.” He smiled. “You want me to stay here or go with you?” Ryan asked looking over at me. “You can stay in here.” I smile. “Don't want your hair getting ruined now would we?” He smiled unlocking the doors from me, I slipped out of the car, quickly making my way into the bank. I stepped inside the bank, looking around. Then I spot a familiar looking male. Black hair.. Blue highlights.. Glasses.. Who is he..? I shook the thought off and walked up to the desk. He looked at me and blushed. “Oh.. You're the boy from the..” My cheeks lit up from embarrassment. “Did.. You give me your number?” I ask leaning against his desk and or counter. “Yea that was me.” He said smiling. “Never got to properly introduce myself.” He reached out his hand. “Geist, Geist Ackerman.”

🐺Geist Ackerman🐺

  “Geist, Geist Ackerman.” I say to the twink from the club. He took my hand with his warmer one. “Nice to meet you, I'm Fluffy, Fluffy Renos.” I smiled shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too, Fluffy.” I pull my hand away. “What brings you here?”  A small blush formed on his cheeks, I assumed it was from embarrassment. “Well um, actually I can to deposit my money, from earlier.” He stated digging around in backpack, pulling out one.. No two… Five stacks of cash. My eyes went wide. “Jesus you're rich.” Fluffy smiled and shook his head. “No no. I can't even drive.” He says letting out an adorable giggle. “Oh I see.” I take the cash, depositing it into his account. “Thank you, Geist.” Fluffy smiled and slowly leans over the desk. “About that date..” I lean into him, our lips being not so far apart..

  “Well, if we could find a date and time when we could.. That would be awesome.” I smile at him. Fluffy leans away from me and sends a grin my way. “Text me alright?” I nod my head. “Alright.” He begins to walk out the door, not without sending a wink at me and swaying his hips. “See ya tomorrow big boy~” He purrs stepping out of the bank and running into a nice silver car. I smile and rest my chin in the palm of my hand. “I'll go see you tomorrow..” I shut my eyes and whisper to myself. “Promise..”

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