Ch 5

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🐱Fluffy Renos🐱

The training thing took forever. But I mean, better safe than sorry right? Currently we were walking around the mall, sense we had nothing to do. I looked ahead and noticed a black haired kitsune running towards us. I grinned and jumped up in joy, taking him into my arms. "Dark! You actually came!" I grinned. "Yea, I should've told you two." He said looking over at Ryan as a blush settled on his cheeks. I'm the only one who knows about Dark's crush on Ryan. He's liked Ryan for awhile now I guess he's just too afraid to tell him. I nudged him and wiggled my eyebrows. "He looks nice doesn't he?" Dark blushed and turned his head away. Ryan let out a giggle and rose an eyebrow. "You okay Dark? You look pink." Dark shook his head and held his hands up in defense. "I-its nothing! Honest!" Ryan smiled and walked ahead of the both of us, not before letting a strand of Dark's hair fall slide off of his fingers. "Come on then boys." I sent a smirk towards Dark before following Ryan.

Dark and I walked behind Ryan as he led us through out the mall. "Why don't you tell him Dark?" I asked looking over at him. "I want to! Believe me I do! But he's just so out of my league. He'd turn me down so fast.." I rolled my eyes. "Well you'll never know the possibility of you two being together if you don't take a chance." Dark looked at the floor. "I don't know.." I sighed and rubbed Dark's back. "Okay okay, don't worry if you two are meant to be then it'll happen soon." I smiled and caught up with Ryan. Dark's ears twitched as he got closer as well, blushing once he stood next to Ryan. He rose an eyebrow and looked at Dark. "You okay Darky?" Dark nodded his head, looking away. "It's just hot in here." I giggled and ran in front of them. "Okay! What should we get?" I asked feeling my stomach be empty. "Starbucks bitches." Ryan smirked and laughed. Dark nodded agreeing with Ryan. "Yea, I haven't had coffee in a while. Come on then let's go there's one in here somewhere." I said walking in the middle of the two of them. Ryan smiled and licked his lips smelling the coffee when we neared the cafe.

We ordered our coffee and started to walk again. Us being basic bitches and loving coffee to bits. "Do you have to work today?" Dark asked looking over at me. I nodded my head. "Yea in two hours." Ryan groaned. "Seriously? When do you not work?" I shrugged my shoulders taking the straw into my mouth. "I work every day."

"Ugh." Ryan groaned. "Don't go tomorrow, that's your date."

"Yes I know. I'm not planning on going to work after. I can go a few days without money."

"Exactly." Dark replied. "It's not like they're gonna fire you, you make the most money in there."

"I know.. But Teddy's an ass.." I sipped at my drink. "Like all the time."

Dark rolled his eyes, taking a gulp of his iced tea. "At least take one or two days to hang out with us."

"I will. Next weekend, like Friday included." I smiled at them, they lightened up quite a bit. "Is that good?"

Ryan nodded his head, his brown bangs shifting along with the movements. "Switching the subject now." Dark began. "You're still going on that date?"

My lips perked up and I let out a giggle. '"Well yea. I'm not gonna cheat him of his money." Dark scoffed and turned his head away letting out a snicker. "That's what I would do." I gasped dramatically and nudged Dark's shoulder earning a laugh from him. "Bad fox, bad!" I smiled and sipped my coffee.

After the two hours I ran into the club, nearly late. I let out soft pants stumbling into my room, seeing Teddy. He smirked at me. "There you are." I leaned against the door frame, still catching my breath. I regret rejecting Ryan's offer to bring me. Instead I ran all that way. "Yea.. Sorry.." Teddy leaned in, grabbing my chin making me look at him. I rose an eyebrow. "What is it..?" I asked unfazed of his actions. He passed his warm tongue over the corner of my mouth, I shivered. "What was that for?!" Teddy's god awful smirk formed on his lips. "You had some whipped cream on the corner of your lip." My face flushed red. "Starbucks Tepes?" He scoffed. "Cute." I shook my head looking up at my boss and taking his tie into my fingers. "I need next Friday Saturday and Sunday off." He rose an eyebrow. "Why? Those are some of our busiest days."

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my uniform for the day. I don't even know how to describe it, it basically covers no skin. Imagine it.. Imagine it.. You hard? Good. I turned to look at Teddy. "Yes, I know that. But I have a life out of here and I need to spend time with my friends." Teddy furrowed his eyebrows. "Convince me." I growled. "If you want me to suck your cock then fine! Just give me those three days!" The smirk came back. Fuck. Fuckkkkkk. I'm so screwed. "Alright then.." He put his hands on my shoulders forcing me onto my knees.

Well before I continue I should warn all of you adult content ahead, have fun~

I looked up at him placing my hands on his thighs. "Well? What're you waiting for..?" I blushed a light shade of pink. Teddy took a hand full of my hair in his hand and pushed his crotch into my face. "You didn't think I was going to take that offer didn't you?" I tried to turn my head away, but there was no way I could move now. "Do it." My breath hitched as my hands came up to his belt. I unbuckled it and slid it out, still afraid of what was going to come. Teddy looked down at me hungrily, his eyes clouded with lust. I bit my lip and unzipped his pants soon coming back to unbutton them. I breathed in shakily. "I can't do this." He snarled. "Too fucking bad."

I pulled down his boxers and.. Holy shit he was huge. He pressed it against my cheek. "Do it." I shivered and opened up my mouth, taking in his cock Teddy let out a groan as I bobbed my head along the length. I reached up to cup his balls, rubbing them softly continuing to bob my head. I bobbed my head faster, my tongue passing along the shaft when I could. When I could I forced his entire cock in my mouth, his cum pouring down my throat. I pulled away quickly, wiping my mouth. Teddy let out soft pants. "Yea.. You can have those days off." I scoffed and stood up, dusting myself off. "Fuck you." I growled taking off my clothes and putting on my uniform.

🐺Geist Ackerman🐺

I let out a sigh as I tapped the counter. I had literally nothing to do here. Yea there was people to talk to and work to do but seriously! I looked around, there was nothing to do, like at all. I rested my head on the counter seeing a familiar male walk in. I let out a groan. Ricky. "What do you want?" I growled at my brother. He smirked. "Now now that's no way to talk to your older brother." I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Well my job is customer service so. What the hell do you want?!" Ricky sighed and ran a hand through his fucking perfect hair. He was born with good qualities but terrible personality so there was little good about him. "I actually don't need anything. DG asked me to check in on Elias but he wasn't home and you weren't either so I thought maybe you brought him here." I groaned and left the counter walking into the break room. "Hold on." I walked in and saw Elias on the couch, looking down at his phone that rested on his lap.

I smiled to myself. He looked so peaceful. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched and snapped his gaze over to me. "Oh! Geisty!" His cute voice rang throughout the room as he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and picked him up, walking out to where Ricky was still waiting. "Dammit I thought you would've left by now." He rolled his eyes looking at Elias. "Hey buddy." Elias looked and smiled. "Hi Ricky. How're mommy and daddy?"

"They're good actually. They were wondering how you were."

"Really? Oh well I'm good."

Ricky smiled and ruffled Elias' hair. "Okay, Geist I have to talk to you alone now." I rose an eyebrow and returned Elias to the break room. "Bye bye Ricky!" Elias said waving to him. I sat Elias back on the couch planting a small kiss on his cheek. I walked back out crossing my arms over my chest. "What did you need to talk about?" Ricky snickered. "Well DG and LG want to take Elias back in.. So.. I'm actually here to take him back to his parents." My eyes twitched, I responded almost instantly. "No. He's staying with me." Ricky rose an eyebrow. "Well.. They'll see you in court then."


"Guardianship. You can't take live with him without winning that court trial."

I turned my head away sighing. I could afford a good lawyer. DG and LG could visit him all the time. But there's no way in hell I'm letting Elias go back to that fucking hell hole. "Right right.." Ricky smirked putting his hands in his pockets. "Well? You gonna give him back?" I shook my head. "Fuck no. I'll see them in court." Ricky sighed. "Okay.." He shook his head then left the bank. I let out a growl. Maybe Fluffy would understand about, not having that date tomorrow..

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Love you all!!

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