Chapter 2

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The Hospital

When we arrive at the hospital, we go up to level 7 and go straight to the receptionist. She keeps typing away at her laptop, her purple glasses hanging on the end of her nose and her wig slanting to one side. She slowly looks up and frowns. "Name?" She asks, completely monotone.

"Hayley Blackwood."I say back.

"Take a seat. The Doctor will be out soon." She begins to start typing again.

Malia and I take a seat, Malia takes out her food from the fridge and starts eating again while I pick up some random magazine and flick through it. After about 10 minutes the doctor comes out. "Miss Blackwood?" He asks.

I slowly stand up, Malia follows and we are about to go in when the doctor stops Malia. "You will need to wait in the reception until you are called to come in." He says.

"Why?" Malia says, taking another bite out of muffin number 3.

"Because Hayley needs to get changed into this hospital smock."He holds up a bland, aprin looking piece of material.

"I'll be in the waiting room." She says and retreats back to the reception.

The doctor leads me to a changing room where I change and come back out, the doctor the leads me to a big white room with a funny looking machine in the middle. "Please lie down in the machine and don't move. The machine will make loud beeping noises, I will give you earphones to help with the noises." He explains.

"Here is a button to push if at anytime you are in pain or feel uncomfortable." He then hands me the button.

Ok, thanks. When is Malia coming in?" I ask.

"She will come in when the machine is finished." He explains.

I go and lie down in the machine. BEEP BEEP WHIR EEEEERRRRRRR EEEEERRRRRRR. That's all I hear for the next half hour as the headphones do a pathetic job at drowning out the noise. When the noises finally come to an end, the doctor slides out the platform I was lying on and I sit up just in time to see Malia walk up to me with a grim expression on her face. "How was it?" She asks.

"Weird, they gave me headphones to drown out the noise with radio, but I could still hear the beeping," I say trying to lighten the mood.

Malia just stares at the floor. "You know what they're looking for?" I ask.

Malia looks up. "I thought you didn't know." She says.

"I was too scared to tell you," I say.

"Tell me." She says, quite stubbornly.

"Fine." I give up, as I inhale before I say the hardest thing I have ever said in my life.

"It's called FrontoTemporal dimenture, it's where areas of your brain start to shrink and I get stuck in these dreams where I literally have to scream myself awake, sometimes I'm even dreaming while I'm awake. It's like, you can see me sitting there, staring into the distance, but I see rainbows, kinda thing. The only way I can tell if I'm dreaming is that I can't read while I'm dreaming. I even switch in and out of dreams a lot like 5 times every two minutes. It's how my father died and it's the only dimenture that can affect teenagers. There's no cure-"

"What if you don't have it?" She interrupts.

"I do have it, Malia, they already know, this was just a scan to see how bad it was." I say staring at the wall.

"How bad is it?" She quivers.

I look at her, feeling the tears swell up in my eyes. "Really bad. I have about a week, won't even make 18."

Malia stares at me, tears swelling in her eyes. "Hayley we..we will do something, you will still be alive in a week. I'll become a doctor if I have too." 

She's getting desperate now, I can tell. She hugs me and cries, we stay like that until the doctor tells us to leave for the next patient.  

The last week of my life was probably the best week of my life, I spent every day with Malia and my family. We did heaps of cool things like the movies, drag car racing, Netflix, shopping and I lots of little things that mean the world to me. On my last night, while we were watching the sunset it felt like Malia might be right....That I might live.

Little did I know that it would be the last sunset that I would ever see.

You see when Malia and my family left the hospital room after the sunset this evening, I went to sleep. But I have woken up feeling like my head is going to explode. Its happening, I know it. So now im sitting here writing....Just writing. 

This is the story of how I died.


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