Chapter 3

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  The letter

 - Malia's POV-


That's all I've been able to feel since Hayley's death last week, at her funeral, someone gave me a letter she wrote, it says;

To Malia,

I wish I could have been with you for many more years. I wish we could have graduated together, opened up that coffee shop we talked about as kids, remember that?

Don't mourn forever, simply, move on and stop the pain,

You have been such a great friend all these years, I am so glad to have met you. If someone asked me to write everything I am thankful for, there would be too many things for all the paper in the world. But here is something to remember;

You radiate warmth like a blazing fire,

Your smile sparkles and shines like a diamond ring,

You light up the room when you walk in,

If someone feels sad you can make them grin,

Where there is darkness you are the light,

I do not want these words to make you cry,

I never wanted to say goodbye,

Please know how many lives you help,

Stay strong. Be happy.

Your best friend,


Her mum tells me she finished it just before she passed. The kids at school think ill get over it, but they just don't know what its like to lose your best friend. The depression is not something that just goes away. Ts there and I have to deal with it. Maybe it won't be cured, but you have to take the medication you're prescribed and stay away from situations that trigger it. My psychologist says no one really ever dies as long as they took the time to leave us with fond memories.

But Hayley died and she gave me the best memories of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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