Red Love and Blue Regrets

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A red rose and a blue violet, in a vase they bloom

Delicate brush strokes decorate this ceramic artistry

I gently position them on my desk to face the sun

Every drop of luminosity is absorbed into each petal

My hardcovered pink diary is opened on a blank page

Resting on top of it is my heart-printed mechanical pencil

A stuffed bear, the size of my palm, sits near the book

A petite smile is shaped on its furry chocolate face

Inches of my skin are clothe with my dull school uniform

Each long strand of my glistening gold hair freely dances

My lips are of soft ruby and my eyes express fine sapphire

Black leather shoes cushion my feet as I step out my door

Patience is in my mind, but my heart rapidly thumps

Questions of my upcoming acts, create chaos within

Three words of the truth are on the tip of my tongue

Finally, the school's transportation slowly pulls over

Once my shivering body is engulfed by the bus,

My eyes suddenly ignite a spark, seeing his pearly beam

He unplugs his earphones of ocean blue and waves at me

He beckons me to sit with him and converse like everyday

This mouth of mine tries to surpress a growing message

Now, my best friend is more than a mere violet in my vase

But I, the rose, find it difficult to remove my red pigment

This back seat keeps our memories, I hope even for today...

The two flowers wilt in a ceramic vase of streaming cracks

Pages on my diary are torn apart, scribbles on the last one

No longer does a blanket of sunlight warm up my desk

My only wish is to sew the smile back on my stuffed bear

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