Chapter 4

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I walked into school the next day with a huge smile on my face I was wearing black leggings, black Uggs and a light blue short sleeve blouse with a white neck rested scarf complimenting it. I had my light brown hair out with subtle curls as I strutted my way through that hallway with my substitute black bag around my right shoulder.

"Hi!" was what I said throughout the hallways to everyone.

I spotted Elena talking to a handsome guy I didn't recognize.

"Hey Elena!" I said.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Oh hey Miranda!" she said

"This is Stefan, he's new here actually he was here yesterday." she said.

"Hi Stefan, I'm Elena's fraternal twin sister, Miranda but my guy friends call me Randi." I said as I reached out my hand.

"Nice to meet you Randi, Stefan Salvatore, and you can just call me Stefan." he said while shaking my now reached out hand.

"Well I have to go, nice meeting you Stefan, see you later Elena." I said as I strutted my way down the hall.

"Hey Randi!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see who was speaking.

"Oh hey Tyler!" said the Popular football jock and the mayor's son Tyler Lockwood himself.

"How are you." he asked with a concerned look.

"Great I had a great supposedly first day of school extra vacation the other day." I said.

"Really what did you do?" he asked walking with me to are French class.

"Well I got up and my car stopped working so I pulled over and called a towing company and then I mad my way to the boutique and with all my first day of school shopping money that I didn't use I bought some new clothes for me and walked back home and with the money that I saved I threw on some exercise clothes and jogged my way to the mechanic shop where my Mercedes had been towed and I gave them the money hopped in my newly fixed car and drove home." I said.

"What was wrong with your car?" he asked.

"My radiator cap again." I said, I barely knew where to get one of those and I knew eventually my car was going to break down but I didn't expect yesterday to be that day.


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