Part 3

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You, realizing what is happening, start to panic and try to scream. Your screams are unheard and muffled, probably because there is suddenly a hand covering your mouth. You start to struggle, which does nothing to help you, but it was worth a try. " Babe, this would be easier for you and me if you would stop struggling". You instantly knew who had taken you into the dark house. . .it was non other than Sans. You stop struggling for a moment, and you start to feel as if you just somehow teleported? You don't really know for sure. . .except for the fact that you suddenly see a bed in view. (Okie, before I continue wit the. . .*cough* Sin *cough* If you is a Kawaii Potato/ Innocent Cinnamon Roll, you has been warned. . .okie future me, TAKE ITAWAY)

He suddenly pushes you onto the bed, you start to understand what is going on. With this thought in your head, you once again start to struggle, fiercer than before. He starts to smile, liking a little "challenge". He gets face to face with you and start to kiss you roughly. You try to push him away, but he keeps a in-human grip on your wrists. You shiver as you feel something slimy start going down your neck. You soon find out the slimy thing is Sans's tongue. You moan a little as you feel the tongue start to go lower, and lower. While still licking you, he starts to take off your clothes. You begin to blush as soon as he takes off all your clothes. (*cringing intensifies* why did I think dis was a good Idea? you know what. . . I has teh stay strong, for the viewers .3.) You suddenly grab him by his jacket collar and pull him into a kiss. He seems startled by the sudden movement but starts to kiss you back a few seconds later. (ok, I'm done for today, I can no longer write dis. . . for now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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