Chapter 28.

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Soon enough we'd eventually gotten some clothes on and lessening the conventional sexual tension between us. And after a couple of minutes of silent teasing we finally got out to get something to eat. Saint Belle's Fishery would always be a choice for us, mostly because it's where most of our bonds were bridged together and the restaurant reminded us of nothing but blissful laughs and genuine smiles. Even if I didn't want to jinx that fact by coming around that place too often, eventually I knew we would run into some conflict at some point, but the food was too good and familiar to give up anyway.

"You should really try something new, instead of a cheeseburger this time," Harry suggests when we're finally seated. My stomach growls, but I keep up conversation to distract myself from the emptiness felt inside of me.

"But cheeseburgers are so familiar to me," I exclaim.

"Trying new things is a natural part of life, probably even a healthier one than just sticking to everything familiar," Harry says as I flip through the menu, "I know I'm not anything familiar to you."

I wanted to object and say I was familiar with his type because of my father, but I immediately decide against it.

Instead I don't answer, biting on my inner cheek to refrain from further salivating at the images of food scattered across the pages of the menu.

"Maybe you should try getting a fish burger, or something. I mean this is a fishery."

"Okay," I agree, still scanning up and down the page in search of a more interesting choice.

When I realize there is none, I mentally agree on a dish and put down my menu, "I'll get the baked fish and fries."

"You mean the baked fish and chips?" Harry's eyes shine with genuine amusement.

"Yeah, whatever it is," I don't know much on the actual dish, but the image displayed beside it made it look apetizing enough.

The waitress walks up to our table at the right moment, her dark ponytail swinging back and forth behind her and a bright smile spread across her face. She was probably one of the most attractive waitresses I've ever seen at such a small businessed restaurant.

"What can I get for you today?" The waitress smiles to Harry, and I wonder if she even knows I'm sitting here.

"She'll have the Fish and Chips, and I'll have the Saint Fish Burger." He says with a straight expression, eyes not even meeting the waitress' bright ones.

It wasn't completely secretive that the waitress had an attraction to Harry, but then again I knew a lot of girls did.

"Alright," she says, with her tone not as cheery as before, "Your food'll be out soon."

I knew that the small smile she flashed before excusing herself from our table was only a forced action upon the employees, but I was just glad she was gone. Too glad to feel any pity for her.

"What was that?" Harry asks, giving me a crooked smile and a cocked eyebrow.

"What was what?"

"That face," he was still smiling.

"What face?" I say defensively.

"I know you saw that she was flirting with me, but I sure wasn't expecting the death glare. It looked like you were imagining slamming her head straight into the tile."

What? I hadn't even noticed, nor was I imagining something so vile.

"I would never! And plus, she didn't even acknowledge my existence," I whine and cross my arms, remembering how her chocolate eyes struggled to avoid my direction.

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