All You Need To Know.

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This story is going to proceed from the time Ana left the bank from the back door to get into Jack's car. Jack was in love with Ana while he was still employed but obviously, Ana did not love him. When Christian comes to know this, he removes Jack from SIP. The rest of the tale is the same. Ana is still pregnant and that was the basis of her fight with Christian. Christian thinks Ana left her for the money and for his behavior the previous days.

There's more drama in my version of Fifty Shades. So I would name Fifty Shades Freed as Fifty Shades of Agony. And this is the fourth book in the series.

Every Chapter is divided into two parts: Ana's P.O.V and Christian's P.O.V. Both of these are taking place at the same time but at a different place. Hope you like it.

Comment and let me know if you enjoy the story. All sorts of criticism are welcome. Since this is my first book, I'd love to know how I can improve myself.

P.S. If you did not understand the title, It's Cristian + Ana = Christiana

This is my first book so there may be some minor mistakes and errors. Please excuse me for that.
If you like the story then do tell me by commenting and voting! All comments will be appreciated.

I will now post a summary of the three books written by E.L.James. The brief is not written by me, I picked it up from various sites on the internet so all rights remain with the respective writers and none with me although the fanfiction that follows totally belong to me.


In the book, Ana goes to interview Christian right before her college graduation. She is covering for her roommate who is supposed to interview him because he is CEO of Greys Enterprise Holdings, donates money to the university, and is to hand out the diplomas at graduation. Ana feels embarrassed about the interview but is also attracted to Christian. A few days later, Christian shows up at Ana's job, and they set up a photo shoot for the article. After the photo shoot, Christian asks Ana on a date.

They get to know each other on their date, but Christian then rejects Ana, telling her to stay away from him, which upsets Ana. However, he then sends her a very expensive gift. Ana drunkenly calls him to ask why he sent her the gift, and he picks her up at the bar. She spends the night in Christian's hotel room, and they go on a date the next night, at which time Christian asks Ana to sign a nondisclosure agreement. He explains that he wants a BDSM relationship in which he will be the dominant and she will be his submissive.

Anna is uncomfortable with the contract, and Christian tries to convince her to agree and sends her expensive gifts. They then repeatedly engage in various acts of sexual dominance and meet each other's, families. Finally, after too much punishment in one of their sexual encounters, the first book ends with Ana leaving Christian and returning the gifts.


Ana starts her job at SIP, where she has been hired as personal assistant to editor Jack Hyde. Ana gets an uneasy feeling about him but writes it off anyway. Christian asks her if she needs a ride to José's (her best friend cum family friend) gallery exhibit in Portland, which she had totally forgotten about. The pair ends up reconciling and getting back together.

Christian buys SIP, but the deal is still a secret for another month. Ana is furious that he is interfering in her career, especially when he freezes the company's accounts so that she can't go on an overnight business trip to New York with Jack. Christian insists that it was for her own protection because Jack is a "known philanderer". Their suspicions about Jack prove correct when he corners her and demands sexual favors. Ana's self-defense training with Ray Steele when she was younger allows her to escape, and Christian has Jack fired.

Ana starts being stalked at work by one of Christian's former submissive, Leila Williams. Leila had a mental breakdown after losing her significant other in a car accident. Ana's fear intensifies when she finds out that Leila was able to obtain a gun. The situation comes to a head when Leila breaks into Ana's apartment and threatens her with a gun. Christian is able to diffuse the situation by using their Dominant/submissive dynamic, but this leaves Ana worried that Christian isn't satisfied with a vanilla relationship. Ana later confronts Christian about what happened with Leila, and he fears that she is leaving him again. He impulsively asks Ana to marry him, but she needs time to think about it.

The night of José's visit (and the night before Christian's birthday), Christian goes missing while flying from Portland to Seattle on business. He eventually makes it back to Escala unharmed, to the relief of his entire family and staff. He explains that both of his helicopter's engines failed; sabotage is suspected. Ana realizes that she doesn't ever want to be without him, and accepts his proposal.

The next day, during Christian's party in Grey's mansion, Christian pulls Ana away from the party and takes her to the boathouse, which he has decorated with flowers and soft lights. He gets down on one knee, pulls out a ring, and proposes for real.

But just outside Grey's mansion, Jack is watching and planning on his revenge.


Ana and Christian get married and go on a honeymoon in Europe. When they return to Seattle, Christian's purchase of SIP goes through, and he tells Ana that he wants her to eventually run the business. When Christian is out of town on a business trip, Ana sneaks out to have drinks with Kate. Jack attempts to break into Escala with the intention of kidnapping and assaulting Ana. The security team catches Jack and had him arrested, but Christian is furious with Ana.

Ana tells Christian that he is too overprotective and controlling, but she nonetheless tries to understand why he feels the need to protect her.

Ana learns that she is pregnant because her birth control shot ran out early and she missed four appointments with Dr. Greene. When she tells Christian, he becomes angry, accuses her getting pregnant on purpose, and walks out on her. He tries to find Dr. Flynn but instead finds himself at Elena's salon. He later comes home drunk. His reaction towards the pregnancy and comments about his inability to deal with it speculates that he wants her to have an abortion, something Ana refuses to consider. Scared and confused, Ana worries that their marriage is on the rocks.

Jack Hyde is bailed out of prison by an unknown party (later revealed to be Elena's ex-husband, Mr. Lincoln). Jack and his accomplice (revealed to be Elizabeth Morgan) drug and kidnap Mia and hold her for a $5 million dollar ransom. Jack calls Ana to bring the ransom and not to tell anyone about it, otherwise, he would kill Mia. While at the bank, Christian calls to talk to Ana and she is forced to tell him that she is leaving him and that she will raise their baby alone, leaving Christian distraught but he relents to letting her go (not realizing what is really going on). Ana realizes she isn't able to outwit Jack and saves Mia's life, but is hurt in the process. Later, Ana discovers that Jack wanted revenge against Christian for taking SIP away from him. Elizabeth eventually feels guilty for her part in Jack's crimes and willingly testifies against him to the police.

This is not written by me. I picked it up from the internet, just in case you were interested

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