Chapter 1: Ana

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I identify Jack's black Volvo that's been waiting for me. The windows are tinted so I cannot see who is driving. I wonder what that fucker will do to Mia if I don't reach on time and the thought sends shivers down my spine. I get into the back seat and I see Claire driving the car. Oh my god! She is the one giving all the information to Jack. " Claire? What are you doing here? Has Jack blackmailed you or something? Tell me! " "Shut up and keep your ass on the seat!" she answers irascibly.

I don't say a word after that but I think of all the possibilities why Claire would work for Jack. Surely she is not doing this voluntarily.

She stops the car at a warehouse. Or at least it looks like a warehouse. "Get down and walk ahead. I'll be following you." she snaps as she opens my door.

Quietly I walk into the warehouse. "Stop and drop the bag where you are standing. Give your cell phone to Claire." Shit. Jack is standing in front of me. He has grown a beard which makes him look even more creepy. "First you are going to tell me, where is Mia? I will give you the money only when I know she is safe." I say trying to keep my voice straight and strong." "Do as I say or I won't be able to stop myself from doing what I'm thinking and trust me, it doesn't look good or even sound good." Crap. I do as he commands.

"My men dropped Mia safely to her house 15 minutes ago." My men? How many people does he have under him? "How do I know you're saying the truth?" I question him. "Call her yourself. Don't talk about anything else." "Liz', call Mia and put it on speaker." he orders Claire. She does as he says. She picks up. "Mia?" "Ana! Thank you so much for saving my life. Tell Christian to give that bastard some good shit so that he doesn't do anything like this again." Thank goodness! She's safe. My heart relaxes. "Tell her you will and say that you're busy. And if you don't, you'll be meeting Christian's dead body. " Jack whispers and threatens. Don't you dare bring Christian into this! "I will, Mia. He'll be glad to do that" I taunt Jack as I talk to Mia. "I'll call you back in sometime. I'm busy at the moment." My voice is all wobbly and stuttery. He snatches away the phone almost immediately.

"So, Let us talk." What does he want to talk about? "You bastards ruined my life! I loved you, Anastasia. With all my heart! Everyone has to choose Christian! What has he done to get all the love?" The tone of his voice scares the hell out of me. "What are you saying? Who 'all'? Who chose Christian except me?" I seriously don't know what he is talking about? Did Christian do anything else to him that I am not aware of? "Oh, Ana! Cut me some slack now, will you? Stop pretending to be the innocent victim that you're not." What?

"Now Claire, it's time you do the thing I had told you." Thing? What thing? I wish I had texted Christian something while I had my phone in the car.

Claire appears after a short while with a bottle in her hand.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What is his game? "Oh, Ana! I've got so many ideas. I don't even know from where should I begin." he says with a scheming look of content.

Claire approaches towards me whilst opening a bottle. Instinctively I step backward and two men hold my hand back. Fuck. "What are you doing? Stop!" I struggle to get out of their grasp but they are very strong. Blip! "Claire, please don't! You don't want to do this!" But she doesn't stop. She would if I tell her about the baby but I cannot let Jack know anything about Blip. Damn!

Owww! I taste some burning liquid in my mouth. It's like acid. It hurts! "Stop! Why are you doing this?" I can barely manage to let these words escape my mouth. The two men step back as Jack orders. It gives me a precious moment to hold on to the gun in my pocket. "Bitch! There's more to come."

The world around me starts spinning, an effect of the liquid I presume. Now would be the right time to remove the gun. I remove my trembling hand from my pocket and shoot Jack in his thigh. I see blood oozing out as my eyes shut and then I fall down. Black...Darkness...Blip?! ...Christian. ...Peace.

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