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   Sirens fired into the air like bullets. As my parents and I sat in the waiting room of the Police Station. We weren't alone though. They  were here.  They precisely being the three devils of the entire nation. Wren Callahan, Alex Prosturg, and Ezra Michaelson.

    The silence bounced from one wall to the other, as we all quietly sat. My sister, well she's been missing for months now. The police think they've found a lead, and really, anything could be better than what we've had.

   My eyes wandered to the three guys silently sitting in their seats, blankly looking around. This wasn't them, I can assure you that. Everyone in my school saw them as the hot, funny, and badass people they so believe they are. I personally took that as bull. But what am I to say?

    My dear sister, Blair, she didn't. She adored them, all three  of them. She played with them, toyed with them, and broke their hearts. Yet they just kept running back. Clueless of the explanation why. To sum it up, she played them like they played every other girl in the school.

    That was until three months ago, she snuck out to some party, and well. She never came home. The police have tried searched every nook and cranny for a lead, but nothing. My family was in a wreckage period, and so was I.

     The police walk out into the waiting room, and we all hedge forward eagerly. Maybe, maybe she was alive, healthy, and happy. "We found a lead, Mr. and Mrs. Grav if you'd please." The police officer gently moved his arm towards the door. Gesturing them to enter.

     I sat back awkwardly as I pulled out my ipod and headphones, putting on a song and closing my eyes. But that peace didn't last long, when the sobbing of my mother over powered sobs. I instantly took out my ear buds and look to the three who were, just as I, suddenly intrigued.

    The door to the office soon opened as my father gently lead my sobbing mother out.

"Mom.. What happened?.." I asked as my father put her down into the seat aside me.

My mother took a deep breath, trying to sooth herself.

"She's  Gone."

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