the encounter with the boy who drowns himself in guilt | Two

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     The voice repeated as I suddenly look over, my tendency of shock dying down. My eyes grimaced the body in the front of me, my eyes slowly getting up the body. Until my eyes glide across his face. His  face.

        I said in a awkward yet subtle tone, as I felt my body stiffen. I haven't exactly seen him since Blair's funeral. Unless you count the slight glance at the gymnasium, as Molly went on about how great they've been.

        I must say though, he definitely had an advance in appearance. He seemed more muscular, his face developed more of an older impression, and even with him just sitting, he was obviously taller. He created an image for himself, and image that many girls lust to be even barely touched by.

    But no, not I. If they want to touch anyone, they can touch themselves. Wait- shit- okay lets forget I said that. But his looks weren't bad to at least mentally admire, correct? As much as I incredibly dislike him, what damage and looking do.

    He nodded slowly, looking down as if the guilt was still running through his veins.
"How are you doing?" he asked quietly as the teacher ran to the printer in the teachers lounge.

"Better, much better." I muttered quietly, my thumbed twiddling, one over the other. causing me to yawn the slightest.

"That's good" he replied softly.

"I guess so, and how about you, how are you doing?" I asked quietly looking over at him again.

"Better... Just better.." he whispered, as I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, the teacher grasping the classes attention.

"Good morning class, four you returners, you know my name, for those who . . . Aren't let me introducte myself, I'm Mrs. Porter." She sighed opened the large textbook.

"Now that that's cleared and done with, on with the first lesson." she said sitting down in her desk on the side of the room. We all quietly groaned as she wrote the page we needed to turn to on the board, as I opened my textbook, staring down at it awkwardly, than up to the teacher again.

      Mrs. Porter began discussing the lesson, I took down notes as quickly as possible, though, compared to the academy, this was nothing. I ended up finishing notes early, closing my notebook and sitting back and listening. This was surprisingly a review for me, though, the boarding school my parents chose had a higher education level than a- including our public high school. 

     Soon a worksheet was passed out, causing more groaning, and more students to drown in their misery. I took a deep breath as I turned the paper around, so I was able to work on it for the rest of the class period, writing my name at the top. In Maine, at Cordington Academy, they made us write and write, until we had the perfect penmanship. Thankfully, unlike others, I already had neat handwriting, so I didn't have to do that long.

   I scanned through the paragraphs in the books, looking for the answer, then writing it down onto the lines, or line. I tapped my foot as I suddenly had a gentle tap on my shoulder, I looked over to Ezra, who was the only person in that direction.

"Could you- like- possibly help me with number Eight?" He asked nervously biting his lip as he shrugged slightly.

"Uh- yeah of course" I said softly, forcing a smile upon my lips as I gently leaned over the counter to scan through the paragraphs, looking at the question then gently tapping a paragraph. "It's hidden in this paragraph, but you'll know it when you see it."

   I went back to my side of the small raised desk-like-table. Crossing one leg over the other under the highly raised table, my hair falling in my face as I leaned down to write down an answer. Cordington also showed up the proper sitting position to sit in when writing, but to hell if I were one to follow that.

   I ended up finishing a minute before the bell was suppose to ring, so I slipped out of my seat, walking over to Mrs. Porters desk, and gently resting the paper in pile. She smiled looking up at me giving me a nod. I smiled back faintly, before heading back to my table side, and putting my books and notebooks into a stack. I took a sip from the water bottle I had, watching the clock with a slight yawn.

"I'll see you around . . " Ezra said, getting of the stool and grabbing his books, as he then exited the classroom.

    I raised an eyebrow shrugging slightly, and picking up my books following the rushing crowd out. This is not something I missed, hallway rush, everyone going one way or another. It was horrendous, really, it was terrifying. I bit him lip, snaking my way through the crowds of people, making it to my locker as I hesitantly opened it. My hair knotting already, as I closed my eyes for a moment. Summer ended way too soon. I was aloud to spend my summer in Maine, but not in Cordington, but with my roommate, Alessia, and her family.

    They brought me in as if I were already family, and I couldn't thank them enough. I met amazing people I plan to talk to everyday still, though I miss them. Now that I'm back here though, it might help to have friends that are actually here, and not miles and miles away.

"Hey Mia . . " A voice said next to me as I looked over, seeing a girl, tall, platinum blonde hair, and brown eyes. "I never got to say thing before you left . . But I'm so so sorry about your sister. The entire school had a memorial after you left . . we really wished you were here to see it." the girl said quietly.

"Oh . . " I said looking down and biting my lip, "Thank you," I began softly looking up to her, "That was very thoughtful of the students." I said slightly smiling.

"I'm Sherri, Sherri Balker." she said softly as he gently held the books to her chest.

"Mia, Mia Grav, though you already knew that, well every knows that." I said laughing slightly as I pinched my lips together.

"I should go, but I should hopefully get to see you around, Goodbye Mia." She said gently walking away from my locker, as I cleared my throat, checking my schedule and grabbing the needed books for the class.

  I made my way to Mr. Swartz's class, which was next on my schedule, slowly walking in and looking for an empty seat, before spotting Molly in the back, an open seat aside her.

"Mia!" she quietly called out using her hand to signal me to come over, I smiled, walking through the desks and falling into the one next to her.

"Hey!" I said softly with a smile, her eyes glistening.

"Ello Love," she began as she gently tapped her pencil against the table, "Best of luck dear, getting use to Mr. Swartz is like getting use to a hybrid of big foot and an angry gorilla, it's bloody hell." she smirked as she fully turned to me.

"Really, back at Corington, all of my professors were like that, so I say bring it on!" I laughed fixing my hair with a smile.

  She laughed softly, as the seats slowly filled up, I turned forward when I saw a middle aged man walk in, causing everyone to go silent. Not a peep, nor a sound, it was dead silences. I raised my eyebrow looking around.

"Good Morning Class," the man began with an not so delighted smile, "I'm Mr. Swartz."

The class nodded as I kept my arms folded to my chest, watching the man before us.

This ought to be interesting.



- Rachel Sierra

April 16th, 2017

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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