The sour apple never falls far from the tree | One

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"We really did miss you, dear." My mother softly stated as she join my father and I at the table.

    Let's recap, shall we? A year ago, I was sent to boarding school. My parents found it would be the best way for me to recover from the sudden lost of my sister. Well adopted sister if you'd like to be precise.  Who went missing months before, but soon the police called her case close. She was gone, dead.

    Saying it hit me hard would be the understatement of the century. I was broken to shreds, I wouldn't eat, or sleep for weeks. Just stare at the old picture of her and I that was set on my nightstand. So, my parents though boarding school   would be the best possible answer.

   They said it would help me 'move on'.

   But sadly, I assume they don't exactly understand. Moving on  isn't forgetting, moving on is accepting it, and getting on with your life.

"I know mother." I said softly, gently placing my hand on hers as she turns her head to the clock.

"You should hurry, Love. We wouldn't want you to be late for school." she said gently taking my empty plate, that had crumbs of toast across it.

   I nodded, getting up and running up the stairs. One foot stomping after another. The thing about my mother is, she can act like she's not hurting at all. When actually she's falling apart. I got to my room, letting out a soft groan as I walk to my closet.

   I getting pulled back on the closet door, trying to get it open. But of course, the piece of shit was jammed. I locked my lips shut from yelling anything close to the thoughts racing through my mind. After awhile, I moved to my drawers.

   I pulled out a pair of leggings, and loose sweater. Really, the best I could do was dress up a bit. On the plus side, it was also extremely comfy. I slipped on a pair of converse, trampling down the steps and walking out the door yelling a 'love you'.

   I swung the keys of my parents old car around my finger, walking to the black car that stood in the driveway. Getting in and turning the key in the ignition, the motor slowly being brought to life.


    Though, I must say the car drive to my dear high school was eventful. The parking lot jam just had to beat it all. After a few more minutes, I parked in the back of the parking lot.

   It took a few deep breaths to actually get me out of the car, but walking to the door was like making an hike in hell. Eyes glancing at you, whispering echoing in your head. Of course, everyone still felt pity for the unforgettable-dead-girl's-non-biological-sister.

   I ended up in the line to get my packet, senior year, and yet I'm still here clueless. My Carmel blonde hair was in a ponytail, my face with makeup. Not dolled up Barbie makeup, no no just makeup.

  The line ended up going a lot faster than expected, because the next thing you know, I'm up standing up in front of the window.

"Name." the lady in front of me said in a soft voice, her brown curled hair against her shoulders.

"uh- Mia Grav" I replied, one thumb of mine twirling over the other.

"here you go Mia," she said handing me a small folder, "I hope you have a great senior year!"

     I hesitantly nodded, walking away awkwardly as I went hall from hall to get to the hall my locker had to be in. I took a deep breath. Adjusting the back pack that hung from one shoulder. I opened my folder. Grabbing the piece of paper that contained my locker combination, before turning the lock and opening it.

   I placed the few things I currently had in locker, closing it to take a glimpse around the hall.

The speakers let out a slight beep, before a voice rang over it. 'All students please make your way to the gym." I followed the instructions and made my way back towards the entrance, which was aside the gymnasium.

I bit my lip glimpsing across the bleachers, I felt as if i knew everybody. Yet none knew me.

I sat in the back, biting my lip. As the bleachers began to fill up, one person at a time. Then groups at a time, and there I sat. Awkwardly alone.

No surprise.

"Well if it isn't a miracle!" I heard a familiar voice say behind me, as my head slowly turned around.

"Molly" I said with a soft smile, as the red headed petite girl sat aside me on the bleachers.

"Dear, how are you? It's been ages!" said the girl with a soft British accent, as she gave me a gentle hug.

"Better." I said softly as I turned to face her more, tightening my long straight ponytail.

"and boarding school?!" she asked wiggling her eyebrows, she always had a thing for boy chit chat.

"all girl school, love" I said mocking her playfully as she gently nudged me.

"well it's for the best of luck for you, because honey. The men in our school now are going to raise your standards above the ceiling top." she said with a proud smirk.

"I highly doubt that." I said rolling my eyes playfully. Gently playing with the ends of the long sleeves on my sweater.

"I highly doubt that " she said.

"oh-" I began.

"Look yourself darling" she said gesturing towards the doors. They  were here. Damnit. Then again, what was I to wish? For them to magically turn into frogs and hop away. As nice as it'd be, impossible sadly.

"eh" I said softly, rolling my eyes slightly as I looked back to her.

The bleachers were full at this point, as the principal stood in front of the entire assembly of students. One thing I didn't miss, the lectures about life by our dear principal.

"Welcome back students," Mr. Schultzman began as he cleared his throat. "for some of you, this may be a first day experience, for others, not so much."

his voice tended to fade out after that, here we go again.

though, for once the speech wasn't long at all. Which meant my daydream had to come to a sad end.

"Make sure to work hard, and.. have a lovely school year!" he said walking away from the mic, as the bell rang.


"seats children!" my guessed to be science teacher barked as we all slowly walked in, though that picked up the pace. I took a seat in the back, due to the ones in the front quickly being taken up.  

   I slumped back, opening my binder, and ripping open the package of paper I had yet to put in there. I heard the annoying squeak of the marker slide against the whiteboard. As a body sat in the seat connect to mine. The tables could hold two, little did I care who sat to me anyways.

 My fingers tumbled with my sister's old necklace that rested against my chest.

My Thoughts taking over my head, finally some time to relax.




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