Didnt go too well, did it?

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A/N:   I just love this song :3 It's PJs favorite song.
Anyways lets get to le chapter!


(Y/N) began talking to me, snapping me out of a brief daydream. "PJ? You ok?" (Y/N) asked me. I blink and look at her. "Huh? Oh, y-yeah!" I replied.

(Y/N) smiled. Holy crap, that smile... I blink again and smile back. I saw a dust of pink creep to her cheeks. "Aw, your cute when your blushing!" I said without thinking. This makes her cheeks bright red and I blush bright violet. I was afraid of what she was gonna say, but instead she laughed. Wow....laughing when I said something stupid? Plus, her laugh was amazing! Her voice was like a bell....SNAP OUT OF IT PAPERJAM SNAP OUT OF IT!

My best friend, Fresh, peeks over the seat behind us and sees me. "Jammy?" He said. I whip my head around. I smile "Hello Mr. Fresh!" I say. Fresh tips his glasses up and winks at me. I giggle as he begins talking to (Y/N). "What's your name, and how do you know Jammy?" He asked her. They talked for a while and I dozed off, so I couldn't hear her reply. Fresh shook me awake to see something. "Heh, watch this!" He whispered. He turns to (Y/N) and takes off his glasses, winking.

Instead of being scared, (Y/N)'s eyes shined and she blushed brightly. "That's AWESOME!" She said with excitement. Fresh's face went purple as he blushed. For the first time, I glared daggers at him. He seized up. I know I'm usually cute and all, but when I try, I can be scary as hell. Did I just curse? Hell isnt a curse word, right?

Fresh puts on his glasses. He looked scared. I realize what I had done and I look away, shaking. What if he hates me? WHAT IF HE DOESNT SPEAK TO ME AGAIN?!

I feel a shaky but familiar hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off, not knowing it was Fresh. The hand slips away and Fresh disappears to his own seat. Tears began dripping from my face. I was afraid he'd never talk to me again! Why had I glared at him? I just...did it! Not thinking! Will he talk to me again? My anxiety kicks in, my breathing turning heavy. I cried silently and shook. Did he hear me wheezing? Lord I hope not...

Fresh grabs my scarf and turns me around, shouting something. But I couldn't hear him. The shaking becomes worse and tears now stream down my face. Fresh takes off his glasses and stares at me. He hugs me to calm me down. I kept muttering I'm sorry, an I could tell he was saying something I couldn't hear. My vision went blurry with tears and I felt a shooting pain in my neck, going to my skull and ribs. I hear Fresh shouting and (Y/N) getting help. I then pass out from pain.

Well that didn't go to well, did it?

A/N: hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Trying to upload as much as possible. Word count: 533 words

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