Chapter 3: New kids

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When I get up I find a note on my closed door (Your door is always closed) when I get out of bed, change, and get my shoes on I read the note.


         When I left I noticed that your skates were bugging out, so I know you hate that bus but you will need to ride it. I took the skates to my friend who's a mechanic, she'll try to fix them. Love you.

          ~Love mom

'UGH, WHY TODAY' Today was the day that Josh said he and Denise are going to beat me up after school, if I had my skates I could get away from him fast. But I can't. I sigh and finish getting ready. When I lock my front door I run to my bus stop and raise my face mask which covers the lower half of my face, when I get closer, I slow my pace, then I notice 3 other kids 'Great new kids, let's hope there not in my class'  when I get there I pull my hood up, I feel 1 set of eyes 'That feels familiar' I glare at the kid, he looks away quickly looks away, I smirk under my mask. When the bus get here I jump on and place my backpack in the spot next to me so no one can sit there, two kids sit behind me, and the other kid sit across from my seat. When we get to school I bolt to class avoiding Josh and Denise. I got to my seat in my class just before the bell rung. I finish a small animation on my phone as my teacher stands up, "Everybody, we 3 new students. I need someone to show them around." He announces, I look up and see the 3 boy from my bus stop 'You know what, they could just be in my homeroom.' I focus around the room and see most of the girls in the class raise there hands 'Of course, they want more play toys, sluts'. I just looked at my phone again scrolling though YouTube, "(Y/N), can you show these boys around?"Mr.Jay asks. I stand up, sigh and walk up to them, I hear all the girls either groan, sigh, grunt, or 'hmph'. I just smile under my mask, "(Y/N), that's your name right?" a kid with a tan jacket asks.

"Yeah"my muffled response answers, "Beautiful"I hear the kid with a bright yellow hoodie mumble 'That hoodie... again, insomnia or a coincidence (Y/N)' I tell myself. I lead them out of the class "I'm going to need y'all schedules to lead you guys around and show you where to go."I tell them, "Wait, we didn't even introduce ourselves." Tan jacket face palms. I chuckle "I'm Tim"Tan jacket says, slightly bowing "Such a gentleman."I say with sarcasm, I hear the last kid, one with a grey striped hoodie snicker. I smile knowing that he's alive. Tim looks back up "That's Brian."Tim points to yellow hoodie, I nod slowly "A-and I'm T-Toby."gray hoodie says "I know stutters, and that not one... Do you have tourette's syndrome?" I ask Toby. "Ye-yeah."He answers twitching (If you don't know what Tourette's syndrome is, it's when someone will uncontrollably twitch or tic. It's one reason my Ticci Toby is one of my favorite.) "I know this will sound weird...maybe,  but I kinda wish I had it"I say slightly smiling under my mask, "Wh-why's that I-I think it's just hor-horrible."Toby says. I look at my watch "Well fuck, we need to get walking. We can talk at lunch."I say as I drag them all "Since all 3 of y'all have gym first elective, you just need to follow me."I say walking to the computer class. I stop looking at Brian's schedule "Bri dis your second elective."I say smiling.

"What's with the accent"Tim asks, I look at him madly "Cause I'm dat fucking crazy!"I say walking toward the art room. When I show the rest of the school I start walking toward the gym "Hey, wait! (Y-Y/N) you never sh-showed me where my second elec-elective is."Toby says "Oh,  right. Just follow me." I say as we enter the gym I go to the girls locker room and change. When I walk out of the locker room, I slip under the bleachers, I see Toby, Tim, and Brian sitting down. I smile and walk behind them "Boo."I whispered loud enough for them to hear, Brain doesn't flinch at all, Tim yelps, and Toby screams like a little girl. I burst out laughing, all 3 of them come under the bleachers, luckily the class was outside all four of us are the only ones in the gym. Still laughing I didn't notice the guys walk over to me "Ugh, I know hate you."Toby says, Tim starts to laugh and Brian was chuckling. Toby sits down and starts to tickle me, making me laugh even more "T-T-T-TOBY, PLZ MER-M-MERCY ME!"I yell, he stops and we all get out from the bleacher with the crowd.

At lunch

All I have for my lunch was a apple, the guys have there lunch "Follow me."I say walking towards the willow tree "Hey, look it's the bitch!"I hear Denise screech "Ugh"I groan "Didn't I see you on the bus?I thought Me and Josh told you that you shouldn't do that."Denise says "Back off Denise, I don't have time or your shit."I bark back, she slaps me my face only moves, then I hear something that I didn't expect "What the hell, why would you do that to her!? What did she do!?"Tim exclaims "Who are you to talk to me like that?!"Denise shouts. I grab Tim's wrist and continue down to the tree. When we get there I let go of Tim's wrist and go under the leaves in the branches, "You okay?"Brian asks me looking at the hand shaped wound on the side of my face "Yeah, I couldn't feel it."I answer. Tim enters the tree (Why dose that sound weird?? XD) "That's how long they've been bullying you, till your numb to pain?"Tim looks at me worryingly, "No I have congenital insensitivity, that's why."I say"I kn-know how yo-you feel."Toby says,leaning on the tree. "So, you said you were going to tell us why you wish you had tourette's."Brian says looking up, "Right, well then buckle your seat belt cause dis a long story."I start. But life was a bitch and the bell rung "Damn."Tim says "Li-life's not in your fav-favor."Toby says. We all part our way and I show Toby what I do. He was impressed and I saw a slight smile on his face when Mrs.A class thought his tics and twitching was cool.

Walking home

"Hey, (Y/N)."Brian calls my attention.

"Yeah?"I ask.

"Why did you wear that all day?"Brian asks pointing at my mask.

"I'll tell you after the tourette's story."I tell him calmly.

"Okay."He says


WOW, That's took soooooooo long, I hope you like this chapter, my friend's book will come out soon, but maybe not to day. I'LL SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTERRRRRRR (Jack refrence)

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