Chapter 3 Harry and Katie meet

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Katie's POV

For the last 2 days. I have been beaten, had no food or water and have been forced into having sex

with Jamie. Why is he doing this to me? What have I done to be in this situation? My love for Jamie

has soon faded. Not to mention, I have been chained up for 2 days too. My arms up stretched out

and my body dangling. I hate him! I just wanna get away from him, I would run if I could. I just

want to be saved. The bathroom was above me and there was water dripping. His basement smelt and

I needed a shower, my hair was greasy and I had smelt a little. My hair was half wet from the water

dripping and half dry from where the water didn't drop. It was dark and cold, I hated it.

I looked at the cold floor, waiting for someone to save me. I heard whistling and the light turn on

I looked up and saw Jamie come down the stairs, I looked back at the floor, to save eye contact.

"Hey baby, it's a beautiful day out. A shame you can't see it" he chucked. "Look at me when I'm

talking to you" he demanded and roughly lifted my chin up. "What do you want" I spat. "oooo, touchy

much" he smirked. "What have I got that you want" I asked. "Don't ask me a stupid question. I want

you because I love you" he replied. "Not really, I want you for sex" he mumbled. "Why me, out of

everyone. Why did you pick me?" I questioned. "Your my baby" he laughed. "Come here" he added and

pulled me close to his body, making the chains rattle. "Get away from me" I pleaded. He gave me

the evils and big me round the face, he then punched me in the mouth. That made my lip bleed more.

It was already bleeding, because he punched me loads yesterday. "NO, NEVER" he shouted. "Please

stop shouting, your scaring me" I pleaded, but he didn't listen.

Harry's POV

We are getting on 'One. Direction's private jet' now. I can't wait, I'm going to have so much fun

in Miami. Hot babes, sex, sun, getting drunk etc. It's gonna be fab. We were gonna leave yesterday,

but the jet kind of ran out of engine. "We are lifting off in 5, 4, 3, 2........1" the driver said.

Zayn felt a little sick and nervous because he has never been on a plane before. It took ages, but

when we got there. We went straight to our rooms in our hotel and unpacked. Me and the boys are

going out tonight, and Paul. The beautiful blue sky soon faded and became darkness. We went to the

pub and had a couple of beers. We met some fans and they where nice, but they aren't what I'm

looking for. I got really bored so I decided to go for a little walk. Know one knows I'm gone.

I walked for ages, until I looked side to side and I saw a silhouette of someone beating someone

up. It looked like a guy was beating a girl up. There was a window by the pavement on this house.

(If that makes sense). The window was open so I pocked my head threw it. "Jamie, please stop. Get

off me, I will okay. If that's what you want, I will pleasure you, but please stop hurting me" this

beautiful girl pleaded. That son of a bitch, that's not how you treat a beautiful girl like her!

I decided to knock on the door and if the guy won't let me in, I'm gonna punch him.

Jamie's POV

I was in the basement beating Katie up when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the window

and I realised that it wasn't closed SHIT! "I will be back gorgeous" I spat and went to the front

door. I slowly opened it.

"Yes? What do you want?"

"Your the kid who's beating that girl up right?"

"Got a problem?"

"Can I come in?"


Harry's POV

"Nope" he smirked and slowly shut the door, but I put my foot between the door and the wall.

I opened it and punched him in the face. It made him bleed and fall the floor and it made me laugh.

The girl was crying. So I ran as fast as I got closer to the sound of her cry, I ran faster. I

opened the basement door and ran to the girl. She was soaking wet and shivering. She curled up in a

ball and she was in the corner. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Get away from me" she demanded.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna get you out of this place" I said kindly. I put my hand out

waiting for her to put her hand in mine and for me to take her back to mine, so she can be safe.

She looked at me and then looked at the door. "Why do want to help me?" She asked. "Because I do,

trust me, I'm not gonna hurt you" I replied. She looked me in the eye and sent me a 'I don't trust

you, but I don't want to be here' look. She slowly put her hand in mine. I got her up. "Do you

trust me?" I asked. "No" she replied. I carried her bridal style and ran out the house.

"What's your name?" I asked. "Katie" she mumbled. "Nice to meet you Katie, I'm Styles. Harry

Styles" I smiled.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it was short. I will update shortly byeee :* xxxx

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