Chapter 13 What just happened?

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Okay so this chapter is very sad, I must admit when I was reading this trough to check I didn't

spell anything wrong, a tear went down my cheek. Okay, YES! I cried a little, but oh well. Ladies and gents grab you're box of tissues, I'm gonna give you some time to do this. Okay ready? 3............2........1.......GO!!!!......................................................................................................................................................................................................Okay and I'm guessing your back? Good :) I hope you like this chapter and comment if you want to share your feelings and also vote :) XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXO

Harry's POV

It's been a couple of weeks and I think Katie and I are ready to go back. I can tell Katie is still

a little jelly about Kaitlyn and I having this special 'connection' which is totally bonkers.

The only thing that makes me so annoyed with her is the fact that she still thinks after over 2

weeks I have been saying "no Katie! Nothing is going on, we are just friends" that I'm cheating on

her. I mean come on, I would never cheat on her, I love her too much to hurt her. I walked towards

the fridge and got a can of red bull. "She still hates me, after 2 and a half weeks she still

thinks we are this 'couple' and your 'cheating' on her. Why though? I have a boyfriend, well I

did" Kaitlyn sighed. "I know, she needs to get over it. And what do you mean about 'boyfriend' and

'well I did' what happened" I asked. "He ended it with me, I don't even wanna mention his name

because every time I hear it, it makes me wanna lock myself in my room and never come out" she

replied. "Oh..darling, I'm sorry" I said hugging her. "A...ha! I caught you two, you are a couple.

why would you do this to me" Katie said walking in. "What do you mean" I raised an eyebrow. "You

are cheating on my with that thing" she folded her arms. "The thing is called Kaitlyn and no baby,

I'm not cheating on you. I love you and her boyfriend just broke up with her, so I was hugging her"

I said calmly and let go of Kaitlyn. "Look, Katie. I'm not stealing your boyfriend, I like someone

else, who is in One Direction, but I think he has a girlfriend." Kaitlyn told Katie. "Who do you

like" I asked excitedly. "Niall" she mumbled.

Niall's POV

London is slowly dying and I'm really sad. I was thinking about suicide, because I wanna be with

London, but Liam found out and he said not to. He thought it was funny at first, but then he

realised I wasn't joking and he got a little angry and almost slapped me. I love London so much and

if something happened to her and I couldn't do anything about it. I would never be able to move on,

I will never leave my princess. "Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain. Leave

my heart open, but it stays right here empty for days. She told me in the morning, she don't feel

the same about us in her bones. It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my

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