Chapter 9 Taken part 2

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Harry's POV

I can't believe they got taken. My baby got taken, she isn't gonna die though, right? I just want

her back. I miss her so much, London can stay there.

Katie's POV

How did this happen. If I didn't have to go out to find the bitch, then I wouldn't be here. I need

to get lilt of this place. Why do I have to be the one in chains? Why can't London? I miss Harry so

much. I escaped this place once, but I got caught. I can do it again, but it can't take London.

London's POV

Why am I here? What did I do? I haven't upset someone, have I? I miss Niall so much! I bit into the

duck tape and threw it across the room. "Pst....pst......pst" I tried getting Katie's attention.

She looked up and looked at little angry. "I'm gonna get you out, I'm gonna stay because it was

a mistake of me going to the concert" I whispered a little loud so she could hear. She shook her

head and nodded.

Katie's POV

Perfect! London can stay here and I will go back to Harry. I shook my head cause I thought it

would be a bad idea, but I nodded because I realised that it is a good idea.

London's POV

Mike left his knife on the floor next to me, I'm guessing he dropped it by accident. I stretched

my foot out as far as I could and got the knife. I threw it in the air and it landed on the top of

my foot. I lifted my foot and slid it down my leg so it stayed on my lap. I bit into the duck tape

again and grabbed the knife with my teeth. I turned my head so it was facing the wall behind me.

I then looked down and dropped the knife on the rope that is around my wrists. The rope cut and my

wrists were free. I grabbed my ankles and untied the rope around them. I then got up from the chair

and slowly limped to Katie. My stomach really hurt, I have lost loads of blood, I'm scared that I

won't survive.

Katie's POV

I looked up to see London limp, she had a knife in her hand and grabbed one of my wrists. "What are

you doing" I asked. "Letting you go" she replied. I nodded as she cut the chains. She did the other

wrist and did my ankles. "Thank you" I thanked her. "Go! There is a opened window over there, I

will be fine" she pointed to the window and I ran. I shut the window and left her.

London's POV

I could here Jamie and Mike come. I waited for Katie to shut the window, I sat back in my seat and

got more duck tape that was on the desk behind me and put it in my lips. I then got some rope and

tied my ankles and wrists. It didn't look like anything happened. I looked at the floor and

pretended to be asleep. I felt a cold hand touch my cheek, I looked up and saw Jamie. "Fell asleep"

Jamie laughed. "Boss? Boss?" Mike said. Mike's working for Jamie? "WHAT" he snapped. "Katie's gone"

Mike said. Jamie looked at the chains and so did Mike. "London? Have something to say" Jamie tilted

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