Low Life

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"So can I come back upstairs now?" I question.

Liam opens his mouth to reply but before he can speak the doorbell rings. "That'll be Harvey." He tells me, pulling on the tape until it rips.

"Then I'll get it, you have horrible morning breath." I giggle, taking a few steps before I feel his familiar hands on my hips which pull me back and into him.

"And you have horrifying bed head." He chuckles.

"I would believe you, but I never look bad." I state, pushing off him and walking to the door.

I open it to see an olive skinned woman and child smiling brightly along with Harvey. "Did you have fun?" I ask Harvey.

"Lots." He replies, walking into the house.

"Thank you for having him Mrs..."

"Burns." She replies.

"We'll have to have your son over soon." I state.

Mrs Burns looking into the house and sees that it doesn't quite look like the financial type of house she's used to before smiling weakly. "That's okay, Harvey is welcome anytime." With that said she retreats down the driveway, leaving me to shut the door.

As I turn Harvey throws his arms around me in a hug. "Alexander had a massive house! How come we don't live in a place like that?" Harvey questions and straight away I see Liam's face shift.

"Because both their parents have amazing and well paying jobs." He replies.

"Don't mommy and daddy?"

"Well I wouldn't call a piss head in Alabama and a drug addict in hell great jobs." Liam replies, crossing his arms.


"He's just kidding." I stare. "Why don't you go upstairs and unpack your sleepover stuff."

"Okay!" Harvey says excitedly before grabbing his bag and running up the stairs.

"You can't say that to him, he's just a kid." I tell Liam.

"So? He should learn that life isn't a fairytale like fucking Cinderella." He replies.

"At lest you know where you mom is, why don't you try to get her to come back?" I question.

"Look Holland, she's a thirty something drunk whose only quality is sleeping with bar attenders for free booze. I don't want her around Harvey."

"Maybe she's changed."

"Not possible." He replies. "Why don't you just stick to dance and make up, stuff you know, not my family drama."

Liam kisses my head before running up the stairs after Harvey, leaving me stunned. Does he seriously think that I'm only good at dance and make up?

I head upstairs and change back into last nights outfit before walking down the stairs again. Opening the door I hear Liam's voice coming from the bottom of the stairs. "If your going to run out on someone your meant to do it before they wake up." He scoffs.

"I'm just going home to do my make up and dance." I say sarcastically, crossing my arms.

"Whoa." Liam says, grabbing my handbag and tugging it forth, me along with it.

"How mature." I sigh.

"I didn't mean what I said, I was just agitated. The thought of my parents just makes me feel sick to my stomach and the fact that I have to lie to Harvey pisses me off, he deserves the truth but I can't tell him that his dads no where to be seen and his moms a low life."

"There's a lot more to you let on." I say.

"Nope, that's just your hangover." He tells me. "Run home before someone catches you in yesterday's outfit!"

"Hilarious." I retort, walking out the house and shutting the door behind me.

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