Chapter 5

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I woke up to Clara yelling at me to get up. "Go away it's the weekend Clara." I said while pushing her face away. "Come on come on come on!!" She yelled. "FINE I'm up." I yelled. I walked downstairs and Chloe said me Clara and Mom were going to be in her video.
The video starts
"Hey guys it Chloe and today I have my family." Chloe said. "Today we have questions for mom to answer." She said. "Ok mom you ready?" Chloe asks. "Yeah" mom said. "Ok, who do you think is most like you?" Chloe asked. "Well you Chloe are not like me at all, but Clara abd Cathrine are most like me." Mom said. "Ok next question. How are we all the same?" Chloe asked. "Ok well Clara Chloe and Cathrine you all have blonde hair." Mom said. "That's easy" Clara added. "Yes, you all have the same last name." Mom said. "Ok mom those were interesting similarities. Ok next. Who fight with each other the most?" Chloe says. "Well Chloe you and Clara fight all the time, but Cathrine andClara are always at each other." Mom said. "No we aren't we didn't fight yesterday." I added. "Yes you did you fought of a toy." Mom said. "Oh" we both said. "Thanks for watching my video please subscribe and leave a like. Bye." Chloe said.

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