Saturday. . .

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I donno why I'm the one that has to go along with all the stupid ideas my family comes up with. Yesterday mom had got a call from dad saying that he had won some tickets to Harry Potter land and that we could take the car to drive there so that it would be like a fun road trip instead of taking the flight so we'll be leaving the house tomorrow on Sunday . I'm not a grumpy cat or anything .I'm excited about the Harry potter land and all but sadly I'm not on the same boat as my dad about the "road trip" being fun and all. I mean who is my dad even kidding what with a controlling mom , an overbearing jerk of a brother ,a workaholic dad who is on his phone all the time and a devilish annoying little twat of a sister .I think dad really didn't think this through. Oh boy I can't imagine how he would handle this.

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