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We were all allowed to carry only a few items on us for the trip .So we were all trying our best to sneak in a few of our personal items . Mom had banned us from bringing all sorts of electronic gadgets like we weren't even allowed to carry our cell phones (talk about being a buzz killer !).God knows how Dylan is gonna handle this little rule of mom's.
I tried concentrating on sneaking as many things as possible into the back of the car but God forbid ,with Minnie's constant shrieking ,I wasn't able to concentrate on anything . I saw Dylan sneak in his drum sticks into his duffel bag . I wondered what use he would find for those on a fricking road trip . Dylan has always been the weird one but who am I to judge because I myself was in the process of concealing my game boy and let me tell you this ,trying to hide it inside your sock isn't the best idea in the world.

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