The Wedding Day

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    The story starts when Shivaay n Tia were taking d 5th phera bt Shivaay's eyes were searchin for only a single person, his lady love..Suddenly der ol heard Someone sayin Ruk jao..

        Dey ol turned oly 2 find Robin aka Dushant standing at d door of OM.. Seein Robin alive Tia hd no boundaries of happiness n she ran as fast as she could n hugged him tightly.. Everyone around dem were shocked bt Mrs. Kapoor n swetlana were shocked would b an understatement... Den our beloved Anika enters OM.. Den Dusyant himself confesses abt his n tia's relationship n also abt der baby.. Everyone were shocked bt Pinky was shocked would be an understatement.. She sat on d sofa vit a thud n remembered ol d times when Anika hd said d same n den Anika played ol d videos dat she hd recorded of Mrs. Kapoor, Swetlana n Tia in which dey ver discussin abt how to destroy the oberio's.. It hd ol der confessions how dey hd planned everything ,ol d attacks on d Shivaay, Anika, Tej n how dey planted misunderstandings in Tej's mind against Jhanvi n Om..

   Den Pinky gives a tight slap to Tia n curses her in her usual way... Den Dadi slaps Mrs. Kapoor n swetlana.. Den Anika tells everyone how she did fake memory loss drama n how Rudra had helped her n how she collected ol d proofs... Shivaay was shocked vit d memory loss revelation.. N den d police arrested d kapoors n went from der thankin Anika for ol d proofs she hd collected..

    Everyone retired to der rooms as ol hd a tough day...

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