Christmas Day!!!

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Serena's POV:
I woke up with Ash lying down beside me on the couch. Yesterday, was the best day of my life; I could list everything good that happened in my life but I'm not bothered.

"Good Morning, Princess." said Ash, pulling me in closer.

"Morning." I said, "We have to get up, Ash."

"Why?" whined Ash.

"Because it's Christmas and I have to cook for the whole day." I replied.

I had been chosen to do all the cooking today, which was very unfair because all the other jobs had been taken. Cilan and Ash were doing nothing, Misty, Iris and Brock were setting up the living room and I was stuck doing the cooking.

Cilan had moved in since yesterday, because we have a spare room, but that room is gonna be for the baby when is born.

"If you get up, I will give you a kiss." I said.

Ash jumped up and picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss... on the cheek.

Ash put me down and frowned, "That wasn't a kiss." he said annoyed.

"Yes, it was. It was a kiss on the cheek. Anyway, I have stuff to do, I will see you later." I said walking away.

He gripped my arm, swung me back round and planted his lips onto mine. It was relatively short but gentle; I pulled back and shook my head at him. Typical Ash!

"Tut, tut, tut." I said.

"That's was better, wasn't it?" said Ash.

I just shook my head and walked away smiling, today was gonna be another good day.

I was in the kitchen thinking of what to make for breakfast. Ash was the worst helper ever, he actually went back to bed. I have the most unhelpful boyfriend ever.

Ash walked in and wrapped his hands around my waist, "Morning again, Princess." he whispered in my ear. He smelled of coconut, it was my new favourite smell. I remembered that I was angry with him for going back to bed.

I pulled away from him and frowned, "Why did you go back to bed and leave me all by myself?" I asked annoyed.

He walked over to the table, took an apple from the fruit bowl and sat down, "Because, I thought you could live without me, but obviously you can't." he said before taking a bite out of his apple.

"Keep telling yourself that." I said turning away to go back to my thoughts.

Then an amazing idea popped into my head; we could have Christmas themed pancakes.

"What do you think about Christmas themed pancakes?" I asked Ash while getting things ready.

"Yeah, anything you make is alright. You can can cook right?" he said arching his eyebrow.

"Of course I can cook. Why would I do this if I couldn't?" I asked rolling my eyes. What a stupid question! To be honest I am not surprised, that's something Ash would normally say.

I was gonna make the best pancakes ever.

The pancakes went perfectly made. I made mine look like a Santa Claus, Misty's looked like tinsel, Brock's looked like a bauble, Iris's looked like Christmas present and Cilan's looked like a machine. I wasn't bothered to make one for Ash because he didn't help what so ever. That is his punishment; I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees he has to make his own food. It's gonna be priceless!

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