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(A/N: My friend Destiny and I are co writing this story and if we get enough comments and/or votes we will continue writing it.)


It all started in a small town in Mordor, the small but bustling town of Alflar. The Queen Flar had just given birth a few days ago and today was the day that the newborn baby girl would be introduced to her people. You see in the Kingdom of Mordor, now known as the Old Kingdom of Mordor, the throne would go to the eldest son. However if you happened to be a girl, the throne would automatically be inherited by her instead. Along with the introduction, the girl child would also go pay her first visit to the Shrine of the Dragquen, or better known as the Guardians Temple, at which time, like all Dragquen newborns, she will be named.

In the name of all Dragquen, I call upon thy Guardians to awaken and give upon me the name of my child,” Queen Flar spoke in the way of the ancients. Her voice though only a whisper, spoke in a way that transcended through even the most hardened of rocks. “I give this child, with the eyes of the purest water, the name of Luna and the second name to be Haru. May the moon guide her to her destiny, and may the darkness protect her throughout her journey in life,” a deep and all knowing voice said, in a sweet but commanding whisper, much like the Queen’s. “And Luna is how she is named,” the Queen replied, as she placed the Tiger’s Eye necklace onto the newborn Luna’s tiny neck. “Shall this necklace keep you safe and protect you from harm my sweet little dragon and know that I’ll always love you,” the Queen softly spoke to Luna who was cradled in her arms.

After Queen Flar introduces Princess Luna to her people as the next soon to be Queen of Alflar, everyone partied and rejoiced. Little did they know that their peace and happiness would be short lived because of the Queen’s son and Luna’s older brother, Sauron sends the rogue dragon Smaug to kill everyone.

All Wrapped In One ~Thorin/OC & Kili/OC~Where stories live. Discover now