Chapter 1

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AN. I know Gee is about 4 years older than Frank but for the sake of this fic, its only a year.

The rain ran down the cold window, drops running across it as the car kept at a steady speed of about 30 mph. The 15 year old drew a sad face on the window with his finger, staring out at all of the trees passing by.
"Cheer up, Champ. We'll be there soon, you'll love it." Frank's dad called back to Frank.
"I don't want to go back to that stinking town, Dad. I was glad when we left, I'd prefer to stay away." Frank frowned, his eyebrows knitting together as he pulled at a black thread coming from his skeleton gloves.
"Honey, I think this could be good for you, you've become more distant lately. It'd be good for you to make some new friends-"
"I don't need any new friends, mum. I'm perfectly fine the way I am." He huffed, glaring at the back of his mother's seat.
Frank's mother frowned, looking at him in the mirror, "Oh come on Honey, don't you miss all of your old friends? What about that boy you used to be friends with when you were younger? Gerald was it?"
"Probably" Frank grunted, not feeling the need to correct her. "He's probably forgotten about me anyway. Hell, he probably doesn't live here anymore."
The conversation died off from there and the rest of the journey was silent, Frank went into his own world, plugging in his earphones and listening to some music he'd downloaded off of a dodgy looking app.

Before he knew it, the car had been pulled up infront of their 'new' house.  It was odd being back at his old home, they'd left because of no longer being able to afford the home so they moved away, closer to where his Father worked, now they were back here again. Frank scowled, opening the car door and dragging out his backpack and suitcase behind him.

He stood at the doorstep of his house, waiting for his mum to get out and unlock the door. Whilst waiting he subconsciously picked at his lip, a habit he had developed over the last year or so. He grumbled to himself and walked into the house after his mother unlocked it, immidiatly going up to his old room and unpacking his stuff. After an hour or so, his mother was at his doorway, "Honey, why don't you go down the park for a bit? Get out of the house and see if you can make some friends."
Frank sighed, looking around his room before nodding sadly and grabbing his hoodie, phone and earphones. "Alright, thanks mum" He murmured, leaving the house to go down the park.

Thirty minutes later and the teen found himself lying ontop of the monkey bars, cigerette in hand and staring at the clouds above him. The park had changed a lot, new swings were put in but were already covered with sharpie, as was the wooden fort and the zip wire. The monkey bars were painted a fading orange, parts were rusting and other parts of the paint were peeling off. Unfortunately, his thoughts were rudley interrupted by a boy, who seemed a little older than him, poking him in the side. Frank made no effort to hide his scowl and slowly turned to the stanger, "The Hell do you want?" He grunted, glancing at the older boy for a millisecond to register his presence before staring back at the sky and taking a drag from his cigarette.
"You're in my spot." The elder stated.
"Yeah?" Frank asked, mildly amused "Go get another spot then."
The older boy went silent, inspecting Frank carefully, from the way the short half of his hair was bleeched blonde to the black, messily tied converse on his feet. "...F-Frankie..?" The boy asked. Frank began choking on his cigarette and swiftly sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the monkey bars and staring at the older boy who's deep brown eyes were now as wide as saucers.
"Shit. Gee?" Frank questioned, his eyes growing equally as wide, cigerette perched beteween his index and middle finger.
"Why are you back here?" Gerard frowned, "And since when do you smoke?"
Frank rolled his eyes, taking another drag of his cigerette, cool grey clouds of smoke drifting from his lips as he spoke, "We're moving in today, back into the old house." He mumbled, ignoring the question about the smoking. If Gerard was surprised about that then he doubted the reaction from any of the other things he'd done or did would be pleasant.
"Oh... Well, welcome back, I guess," Gerard mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Frank frowned, narrowing his eyes at the older boy,
"Gee, you don't need to act like you care. Just carry on as if I'm no back, you seem like you were good at that." With that, Frank lept down from the monkey bars and placed his cigerette back in his mouth before beginning to walk away.
"Frankie no- I just- hold up!" Gerard tried, jogging to catch up with Frank.
"No. Fuck you, Gerard. We're not friends. If we we're then you wouldn't have just dropped me like that, no fuck that, Gee. We're done." He snapped, glaring up at Gerard.
"Frank..." Gerard mumbled sadly, unable to think of anything else. It was then that Gerard noticed the fingerless skeleton gloves that he had brought Frank for his 10th birthday. Perhaps he still did care.

AN. Yeah well I doubt anyone will read this but if you do then thats cool, try to drop it a vote so I know someone cares about updates and I'll get another one out whenever possible.
Also, heads up, this book will get pretty sad and dark and stuff so just bare with me on that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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