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I sat straight up knocking Ashley to the ground." Ow! What the..." he wasn't able to finish his sentence because I soon had my hand over his mouth.

We listened quietly as someone shuffled through, I think, papers? Anyways, I know by the sound that they weren't that far away from where we kneeled on the floor in front of the couch,which wasn't a really good place to be considering that the light from the TV is shining directly on us and everywhere else is so dark, so the intruder could see us but we can't see him/her.

I soon heard footsteps, making my heart pound and I could of sworn that if it beat any faster, everyone on this bus would be able to hear it.

As the footsteps came closer, my heart beat faster. And closer and closer, until they suddenly stopped, I knew he/she was at the edge of the light, and by Ashley's heavy breathing, I could tell he was as freaked out as much as me, maybe even more.

Slowly, the intruder stepped into the light (sorry for the cheesy Beauty and the Best line) and I gasped at who I saw.

Please don't kill me!!!
Soorrryyy it is very, very short but I have been having writers block and school, so yeah sorry!

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