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"Hey guys, what's with the wide eyes?" I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. It was just CC.

"We that you were an intruder, or worse, Lucifer" I explained.

"How could it be an intruder, the bus is moving?" CC reasoned with us. Now I felt silly. I haven't realized that the bus was moving, guess I was either too paranoid or too tired.

"I guess we were too tired to notice." Ashley said, looking at me with the same embarrassment that surly crossed my face.

"Well, I am going back to bed, good night." CC announced and headed back towards the bunks.

"What, CC, why were you up in the first place, and why were you shuffling through papers?" I asked suspiciously.

"I was hungry, and I wasn't shuffling through papers, I was opening my left over BLT, which happened to be wrapped in paper,duh." He said as if it should of been obvious.

We all went back to sleep. Me and Ashley, after turning off the TV, stayed on the couch, only this time, I was on top of Ash.

Fallen angel or not, Ash was always going to be dominant.

We then both heard a loud bang on the roof just as we were getting snuggled in, we both let out a groan of frustration.

"This is going to be a long night." Ashley stated and I nodded in agreement, oh how I hoped we were wrong and one of the guys were on the roof but how likely would that be?

Hey guys, sorry it is short again.

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