Chapter 5

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The image of the slitted eye flashed in Kara' mind, reminding her of the ominous warninng that still echoed in her head.

Something's moving outside. She could tell from the way the shaft of light below the door changed shape.

Normally, anything unknown would make a person wary of it. But instead of staying away from it, Kara was actually drawn to it. Tentatively, she rose to her feet and tested each step to the door as if the floorboards might give way. Her shaking fingers wrapped around the smooth surface of the doorknob, and turned. Slowly, the wooden door opened with a creak that echoed in the hut. It was a small noise. But to Kara, it sounded ear-splitting.

Light poured into the hut, illuminating every corner and every floating dust motes.

A person, it seemed, was what Kara expected to see standing in front of the door, and not something coiled on the ground.

Kara's only thought was to run away, but strangely enough, a calming sense of peace overcame her.

The coil unraveled itself, revealing a head with two slitted, beady, unblinking eyes. The serpent opened its mouth and hissed, revealing a pair of needle-like fangs.

Something tingled in the back of Kara's mind and a voice whispered to her. 'Kara Serpent-Sayer, we have been waiting.'

Kara gasped inwardly, not sure of how to react.

For a while, both of them were silent.

'Come,' it hissed.

Unwillingly, her feet moved, while something inside her told her to fight it. She did not know what it was if it was not the depth of the snake's eyes that transfixed her.

The snake led them to the edge of the clearing, where the stretch of grass ended and the underbrush line the forest floor.

The snake set it's gaze on Kara emerald green eyes, unflinching and unwavering. The silence between clung to them like a burr.

Footsteps behind her. Liam, she guessed. But she did not react, only stared deeper into the snake's eyes.

"Kara!" Liam shouted, desperate to reach her. "Kara! Get away from it!"

Nothing could prepare her for what was coming next: the silver-blue blur as the snake lunged and the feel of fangs digging into he ankle. Sharp, biting numbness seared her leg, causing it to buckle.

The snake released its bite. "I shall meet you in your dreams," was all it said.

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