Chapter 12

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"Liam?" Kara ran into the forge, where the air smelled of soot and burning embers. A thin layer of ash covered the floor; and with every step, she kicked up a fine, dark cloud. The back of the forge was partly hidden by a stone wall, and from where she was, Kara could hear a conversation over the crackling fire. She clutched the Serpent's stone harder in her hand.

"Please, Murtaugh. Don't do this."

Murtaugh? That voice did not sound like her brother.

"Fell, I can't." That sounded more like her brother. "They'll track me down and kill me. You know that."

Kara heard the faint, breathy sound of a sigh.

"Please understand that, Fell."


And another sigh. "You have been a good friend to me, Murtaugh. I trust you to make your own decisions..." the voice trailed of.

Kara stepped closer to the wall and tipped her head towards the conversation. In the proccess, her leg kicked a table and a pair of blacksmith tongs fell to the ground. The loud clang of the metal hitting the ground reverberated. She froze.

"What was that?" the two men asked in unison, to no one in particular.

The sound of footsteps came from behind the wall.

Looking around, Kara knew that there was nowhere to hide. Then, Liam appeared, his face confused and bewildered. Seeing that it was only Kara, he relaxed.

'He doesn't know,' Kara thought. 'He doesnt know that I've been listening.' In it, she took some pride and guilt, clutching the Serpent's stone in her hand.

"Kara, what are you doing here?" He darted towards her and stopped. In his hand was a quiver of thrty or so arrows. In the other, a sheathed dagger.

Before she could answer him, another man stepped out. His face was covered in soot and his hair was the colour of cinnamon. Leaning against the wall, he looked at Kara with interest in his eyes. "Who's that?" he asked, nodding at her.

"Kara, my sister." He pushed Kara out of the forge. His gaze met hers, then turned to look at the man. "Look, Fell, we have to go." Liam sighed. "Thanks for the stuffs." He gestured slightly at the quiver of arrows and the sheathed dagger.

Fell shrugged, still leaning on the wall. "You're welcome."

Liam turned and hurriedly herded Kara out.

The walk back to the clearing began with the silence that seemed to stretch for hours. It hung heavy between Kara and Liam, weighing on their minds. They tried to speak, but words refused to come out. And so, they let the silence hang longer.

Something does not feel right, Kara thought.

Yes, I feel it too.

Silver! She could feel the snake's consciousness pressing against hers. What are you doing in my mind? Then, she felt herself sinking into her own consciousness - slowly, surely. Her feet still moved alongside Liam's , but her mind was deeply buried deeply within itself.

Be watchful, Sepent-Sayer. Danger is close. I can sense it.

I will, Silver.

"Shh! Stop!" Liam stretched out his arm to block Kara. "I hear something."

The sound of rustling leaves came from behind them. Liam whipped his head around and held Kara close. Again, the bushes flanking the path rustled. This time, it was coming from somewhere further down the path.

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