Homecoming for Ruby and Rose

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It was late at night, Ruby and Rose flew down to their neighborhood in Orlando where the night sky is decorated with twinkling stars sparkling like diamonds. "We're home." Rose nodded in agreement, being back in their hometown brought happiness to their hearts. The ravenette looked to where Joseph's house is and remembered the good and bad times they shared together. She remembered that time on Easter when she knocked him into a big mud puddle back when they were younger. That was a messy time for both of them. The magical blond also remembered when she tried her best to clean him up after Ruby played dirty with him that time.
"You're covered in mud, take my hand." 5 year old Rose was wearing a cute pastel pink dress with a matching sun hat with small pink rose flowers, her light blond hair done in soft ringlet curls. She wore cute pink low heel shoes accompanied by white knee socks and wore white lace gloves that covered her tiny hands. Her adorable appearance almost made her look like a cute little porcelain doll. She took off one white lace glove and extended her hand for him to take. "Aren't you worried about getting dirty?"
"No." She said taking his slightly muddy hand and helping him up. "I'll try to clean you." The big handful of pretty Easter napkins may not be able to help but it was enough for Rose show how useful she can be.

Both girls laughed at that old childhood memory. "You still play dirty, Ruby." She said teasingly. "Shut up and let's see that surprise your mom mentioned back in Long Island."

Rose opened the door to find her and the jet black haired teen bombarded with streamers. "Congratulations!" Her sister and little brother ran into arms. "You and your friends saved the circus." "Congrats kid." "I knew you guys could do it." Heather brought her magical daughter in for a warm and loving embrace. "I am so proud of you and your friends." Ruby and Rose told everyone about the adventures they had, meeting new people and exposing PETA for who they really are. "I was able to see Aunt Suzy and Uncle Roscoe at the circus show when we were in New York." Rose said happily. "What about Joseph, didn't he come home with you two?" Asked Philip. Both girls shook their heads. "No, we told to go live his dream of being a circus ringmaster." Said Ruby. Rose stepped in saying, "It's not right to shatter anyone's dreams, no matter how big, impossible, crazy or stupid as they sound. I think Miss Sylvia should understand that before she disowned him just like that when we were in the farewell tour of the circus." She said compassionately. "Can I at least call him?" Rose nodded. She waved her wand and a crystal ball appeared. She whispered a spell to it and an image of Joseph with the circus performers and crew came up. They all looked so happy to have him be a part of their circus family. "You can use that to watch how he's doing and see if you're ready to call him." They all spent the night celebrating and sharing stories about their journey and memories of the Ringling Bros Circus. Ruby, Rose and Joseph are truly the heroes that saved the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus from making a very big mistake.

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