Chapter 15

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I finish my novel that night and take a flight to Seattle the very next day.  I go to a cafe called Paris Blues, the one where we first met because I know that you are destined to be there forever. 

There you are, reading book by Albert Camus. 

I hand you a copy of my novel.  It's called, The Curse.

You smile. 

It's finished, I say.

I know, you say.  I could feel it.

I look at you, and realize you haven't aged.  You are the same young boy I met years ago, and I didn't even notice.

Are you a ghost? I ask.

No, you say smiling.  I'm not a ghost.

Then what?

Time is a motherfucker, you say.

I start to cry.   I thought we we're supposed to be together once the curse was broken, but you're still a boy.

Do you love me?


Then we are together.

But you're not even real.

Look at me, Anne.

I'm real. 

You open my book, point to your name inside of it.  You see you made me real forever.

But those are just words.  I mean...

No, they're not just words, they are powerful magic and you have used your power to free the both of us from time.

But when am I going to see you again?

Anytime you close your eyes and remember, mi amor.

I close my eyes.  I see you standing in your underware, playing a guitar.  I see you laughing at the televsion.  I see you walking down the Ave with your backback full of philsophy.  I see you holding my hand as the sky grows dark at gassworks park.

When I open my eyes again, you are gone.

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